Legislation to Support Public Art in Transit Projects

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

On June 25, Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC) introduced the Saving Transit Art Resources (STAR) Act. The STAR Act, H.R. 3437, would reinstate flexibility and allow local transit authorities to incorporate art into federally-funded transit projects and facilities. Rep. Adams is uniquely situated to introduce a bill supporting local art in transit projects as a practicing artist and art history professor. You can read the press release about the bill here.

Transit agencies and communities benefit from integrating art into transportation projects. For 30 years in cities and towns--small and large--across America, transit agencies have employed artists to enhance their transit projects. Artists aid in transit design, improve safety and security, increase ridership, reduce vandalism, facilitate communication and community pride, and boost economic activity through tourism. This legislation was featured at the National Arts Action Summit in March 2019, and is included as an Issue Brief in the Congressional Arts Handbook.

Americans for the Arts co-hosted a congressional briefing about the STAR Act with the Congressional Arts Caucus on June 27. Featured speakers were Katherine Stewart, legislative assistant to Rep. Adams, and Scott Goldstein, policy director at Transportation for America (T4A). The briefing was widely attended by congressional staffers on both sides of the aisle.

Take action now by asking your member of Congress to become a cosponsor of the STAR Act.  Click here to get started!

Photo: Lauren Cohen, Federal Affairs Senior Coordinator at Americans for the Arts, briefs congressional staffers on the STAR Act on June 27, 2019.