Award Presented by Americans for the Arts and The United States Conference of Mayors on Arts Advocacy Day

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education, in conjunction with The United States Conference of Mayors, presented the 2014 National Award for Congressional Arts Leadership to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rep. James P. Moran (D-VA). The award, which recognizes distinguished public service on behalf of the arts, was presented on Tuesday, March 25 at the Congressional Arts Kick Off during Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.

Brown has received many accolades from local arts organizations, a tribute showing that the arts build communities and help areas revitalize and prosper.

"Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown has an outstanding track record on supporting arts-related issues on the federal level, and we are delighted that he is receiving the Congressional Arts Leadership Award. As a testimony to his commitment to the arts, Senator Brown recently visited several cultural organizations in Northwest Ohio to deepen his understanding of how the arts impact both economic and workforce development and the quality of life for his constituents.  The arts are fortunate to have the Senator as a champion, and we congratulate him on this prestigious award," said Marc D. Folk, president, Ohio Citizens for the Arts.

"Sen. Brown has certainly been very supportive of public broadcasting and our role in showcasing artists of all genres to the American public through PBS and local programming efforts," said Tom Rieland, general manager, WOSU.

"Columbus' arts community is thriving thanks to Sen. Sherrod Brown, and other leaders, who actively champion the arts in Ohio. I am so proud to live in a community that recognizes the value of entwining art into our everyday experiences. It's part of what makes Ohio great," said arts advocate Judith Oppenheimer of Bexley, Ohio.

"I am so pleased that Sen. Sherrod Brown is receiving the National Award for Congressional Arts Leadership from Americans for the Arts this year. This is a much-deserved recognition of Senator Brown’s strong support of and belief in the power of the arts to transform lives and revitalize our communities.  Sen. Brown has also always understood that the arts are part of a well-rounded education for our children and an integral component to a strong workforce and a diversified national economy," said Julie Henahan, executive director, Ohio Arts Council.

“Sen. Brown has demonstrated his commitment to building and maintaining thriving communities through his support of the National Endowment for the Arts and commitment to education,” said Columbus Museum of Art Executive Director Nannette V. Maciejunes.

"Sen. Brown is a good friend and a long-tenured supporter of arts and culture, starting with his time in the Ohio House of Representatives in the mid-1970s. The entire state and nation has benefited from his dedication to arts and arts education," said Bill Blair, legislative counsel, Ohio Citizens for the Arts.

The senator’s nomination for this award was also supported by Barbara Robinson, the chairwoman of the Ohio Arts Council for 14 years, who is now its chair emeritus and an Americans for the Arts board member.

Moran is the ranking member of the House Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee. For over two decades in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Moran has given voice to the arts and fought tirelessly against efforts to cut funding to U.S. cultural institutions like the National Endowment for the Arts. He has also fought tirelessly to keep these institutions open to the public, so everyone can have access to performances, collections and cultural heritage. Moran also serves on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and has been a keen voice in groundbreaking research into the improved health and healing possibilities of arts therapy for wounded warriors. 
"Congressman Moran is a steadfast leader in support for the arts in America," said Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts. "His dedication to championing the arts is awe-inspiring, and we are truly grateful for his hard work—more than two decades serving Northern Virginia in the U.S. Congress.”
"Each year, we recognize congressional leaders for their support of the arts," said Tom Cochran, CEO and executive director of The United States Conference of Mayors. "Rep. Moran truly deserves this award for his tireless work on placing the arts high on our national agenda."

The National Award for Congressional Arts Leadership is part of a series of Public Leadership in the Arts Awards which have been given annually since 1997 by Americans for the Arts and The United States Conference of Mayors.

Previous recipients of the Congressional Arts Leadership Award include:

2013    Senator Tom Harkin (IA)
2012     Representative Todd Platts (PA)
2011     Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
2010     Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA)
2009     Representative John Lewis (GA)
2008     Senator Patrick Leahy (VT)
2007     Representative Betty McCollum (MN)
2006     Representative Jim Leach (IA)
2005     Representative Christopher Shays (CT)
2004     Representative David Obey (WI)
2003     Senator Thad Cochran (MS)
2002     Representative Steve Horn (CA)
2001     Representative Norm Dicks (WA)
2000     Senator Robert Bennett (UT) and Representative Nancy Johnson (CT)
1999     Senator Edward M. Kennedy (MA) and Representative Michael Castle (DE)
1998     Representative Louise M. Slaughter (NY) and Senator Slade Gorton (WA)
1997     Representative Rick Lazio (NY) and Senator James M. Jeffords (VT)

Americans for the Arts is the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America. With offices in Washington, D.C. and New York City, it has a record of more than 50 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts. Additional information is available at

The United States Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are 1,139 such cities in the country today, each represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the Mayor. Additional information is available at