How the Arts Generate Social Capital to Foster Intergroup Social Cohesion


Research Abstract
How the Arts Generate Social Capital to Foster Intergroup Social Cohesion

Through the case study of the Guernica Peace Mural Project (GPMP) in Columbus, Ohio, which involved American and Somali groups, I explore how participatory community arts generate social capital to promote intergroup social cohesion. The use of participatory and collaborative arts, high-level interactions and “authentic personal interactions,” 1 1. I adopt this term from one of my research participants' description of the GPMP in the interview. I have decided that this is a good way to refer to one of the key characteristics of the GPMP. I put it in quotation marks here to acknowledge that attribution. Hereafter, it will simply be a term of reference in the article. View all notes and nonhierarchical relationships or equal partnerships in an informal setting in the GPMP produce a new kind of social capital, “bridged bonding.” Bridging the differences between the two groups and bonding them into one integrated whole, bridged-bonding social capital is applied as social glue to create a cohesive multicultural community.

Through the case study of the Guernica Peace Mural Project (GPMP) in Columbus, Ohio, which involved American and Somali groups, I explore how participatory community arts generate social capital to promote intergroup social cohesion.


Periodical (article)
Lee, Dahyun
The Journal of Arts Management Law and Society
Vol 43
p. 4-17
January 1, 2013

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