Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Fosun Group is an international company that owns foreign firms across healthcare, finance, tourism, real estate, and more. In New York City, they bought 28 Liberty (formerly One Chase Manhattan Plaza) in 2013 and have done remarkable arts partnership and programming since. Over the past five years, they have become a prime example of creative collaborations. With the understanding that the arts can foster vibrant communities, Fosun 28 Liberty leverages its space to attract, engage, and present artists and their work.

Through a partnership with Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, emerging artists are given space for a nine-month residency to develop new works. Office and storage spaces are offered to various non-profit organizations at lowered or free costs. Artist Pension Trust, which has the largest global collection of contemporary art, uses storage space for works, while also presenting rotating pieces in the restaurant, event space, and lobby.

Most notably, Fosun 28 Liberty is a partner with Sing for Hope’s annual Piano program. The largest annual public art project, The Sing for Hope Pianos bring joy to New Yorkers throughout the summer and then to New York public schools in the fall. In collaboration with the NYC Department of Parks and the NYC Department of Education, 50 pianos are designed by artists at the Fosun 28 Liberty Sing for Hope Pianos Art Studio Space. Artists ranging from students (Harlem School of the Arts and Juilliard) to celebrities across industries (like casts of Broadway shows) are able to create their own community at the designated studio space during the creative process. The day before the pianos are placed around the five boroughs, Fosun 28 Liberty hosts a launch, with all 50 pianos on display at the plaza.

All 50 pianos (and a 51st roving piano, courtesy of MINI) were officially placed around the five boroughs on June 7. Using the Sing for Hope Pianos app, you can find pianos near you, schedule performances, and even submit requests to bring the MINI piano to you.

Sing for Hope’s mission is to transform lives by using the power of the arts to create a better world. Through their partnership with Fosun 28, they are able to create and present these pianos in a creative community and bring happiness to thousands of New Yorkers. Pianos will be in place until June 24, after which they will be donated to underserved schools to support music education.