Driven Apart: How sprawl is lengthening our commutes and why misleading mobility measures are making things worse


Research Abstract
Driven Apart: How sprawl is lengthening our commutes and why misleading mobility measures are making things worse

This new report from CEOs for Cities, Driven Apart, shows that the solution to our traffic problems has more to do with how we build our cities than how we build our roads. The Urban Mobility Report produced by the Texas Transportation Institute presents a distorted picture of the causes and the extent of urban transportation problems, concealing the role that sprawl plays in lengthening travel times, and effectively penalizing compact cities. We need new and better measures of transportation system performance that emphasize accessibility, rather than just speed.

This new report from CEOs for Cities, Driven Apart, shows that the solution to our traffic problems has more to do with how we build our cities than how we build our roads. The Urban Mobility Report produced by the Texas Transportation Institute presents a distorted picture of the causes and the extent of urban transportation problems, concealing the role that sprawl plays in lengthening travel times, and effectively penalizing compact cities. We need new and better measures of transportation system performance that emphasize accessibility, rather than just speed.


Cortright, Joe
September 1, 2010

CEOs for Cities
1717 Euclid Avenue
OH, 44115
United States