Civic Leaders Receive 2019 Public Leadership in the Arts Awards at U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter Meeting

Friday, January 25, 2019

Americans for the Arts and The United States Conference of Mayors today awarded Utah Governor Gary Herbert the 2019 National Award for State Arts Leadership. 
Governor Herbert has been a strong supporter of the arts and humanities throughout his career as a public servant, particularly in his nine years as governor. Under his tenure, funding for the state arts agency and its parent entity has increased. Governor Herbert has set aside funding in his budgets for additional staff to allow these entities to deepen their services to the cultural sector. He worked with the legislature on the historic Edu Ham Project, which allowed thousands of low-income Utah students to see Hamilton when it came to Utah. Governor Herbert has worked on funding for two anniversaries: Spike 150, the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad meeting at Promontory Point in Utah, and Better Days 2020, Utah’s celebration of 100 years of the 19th amendment and 150 years of Utah women being able to vote.
For the upcoming Fiscal Year 2019 legislative session, Governor Herbert recommended a $6 million increase in new public state funds for the Utah Division of Arts and Museums. These funds would expand cultural grants as well as support funding for a new Collection Management Facility to protect Utah’s art and artifacts collection. He has also grown the Governor's Leadership in the Arts and Governor's Mansion awards, expanding them and honoring dozens of cultural leaders through his tenure.
Governor Herbert and his wife are both artists and their love of culture goes beyond policy and budget work. Governor Herbert’s sons are all musicians, and his wife, First Lady Jeanette Herbert, is also a strong proponent of arts education in classrooms, working closely on STEAM projects.
“Utah has always prioritized arts, from the early settlers who carried pianos across the plains to the modern-day pioneers of film, music, and the stage,” said Governor Herbert. “In reality, this award is a reflection of the work done by many great people in Utah engaged in the fine and performing arts, and the patrons who support them. I am proud to accept it on their behalf.” 
Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts, commented, “Governor Herbert understands the important role the arts play in advancing the economy and uniting communities. His leadership and dedication to the arts has yielded boosts in cultural funding, community growth, and economic prosperity, and I applaud him for this well-deserved recognition.” 
“Every year, The U.S. Conference of Mayors recognizes the exemplary efforts of mayors who believe as much as we do that the arts are an integral part our society,” remarked Tom Cochran, CEO and Executive Director of The U.S. Conference of Mayors. “Mayors understand the connection between arts and business, and the significant contribution the arts make to the local economy.”
Americans for the Arts and The United States Conference of Mayors presented their 2019 Public Arts Leadership Awards at the mayors’ Winter Meeting in Washington, DC. Reno, Nevada Mayor Hillary Schieve received the National Award for Local Arts Leadership for cities with a population of 100,000 or more; Bloomington, Indiana Mayor John Hamilton received the National Award for Local Arts Leadership for cities with a population of fewer than 100,000; and artists Michael L. Bivens, Jonathan Green, and Kate Raudenbush received the Citizen Artist Award.
Americans for the Arts is the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America. With offices in Washington, D.C. and New York City, it has a record of more than 55 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts. Additional information is available at
Jay H. Dick
Americans for the Arts