pARTnership Movement Fact Sheet: The Arts Enrich Community Life


One Pagers
pARTnership Movement Fact Sheet: The Arts Enrich Community Life
Why partner with the arts? Businesses need communities where employees want to live and work. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts contributes to economic vitality and a thriving workplace.
This fact sheet provides data and examples on how the arts are essential to the development of a vibrant and diverse community in which the best employees want to live, work, shop, create, and contribute. It is part of a series for each of the 8 Best Reasons for Businesses and the Arts to pARtner and the pARTnership Movement. 


This fact sheet provides data and examples on how the arts are essential to the development of a vibrant and diverse community in which the best employees want to live, work, shop, create, and contribute.


Jessica Stern
pARTnership Movement Briefing Papers
June 2019
The Arts Enrich Community Life Fact Sheet Page 1