Friday, July 17, 2020

It's been a week of introductions: to four more of our outstanding Johnson Fellowship nominees, musicians who use their cultural traditions to speak to modern challenges and audiences; to one of our members, who is navigating leadership of a local arts agency during this unprecedented crisis; and to our partnership with the National League of Cities, which can benefit you as a community member and as an arts advocate. Also this week, learn how one arts organization has addressed inequity in its pay structure, read the story behind a unique Black Lives Matter mural, and attend the latest in our webinar series for young arts administrators. Finally, check out the brand-new Arts Education Action Kit, a free resource that provides tools so that anyone can become an arts education advocate.


Member Profile: Madison Cario by Linda Lombardi
Madison Cario joined the Regional Arts & Culture Council as executive director in January 2019, bringing more than 20 years of experience working as a connector, curator, artist, writer, Marine Corps Veteran, and more. They recently shared some insights with us about leading a local arts agency during these turbulent times.

Spotlight on 2020 Johnson Fellowship Nominees: The Power of Cultural Roots to Ground & Enlighten by Pam Korza
Musical traditions hold a unique power in cultural belonging and identity for the communities and cultures from which they grow. The stories, meaning, and sounds embodied by traditional music can gain new power for new audiences and broader communities, when linked to contemporary issues and concerns.

Pay Equity and the Power of Collective Decision Making by ArtsPool Services
Like many organizations, the financial impact of COVID-19 forced us to face tough decisions about salaries and employment. When it became clear that ArtsPool might need to implement pay cuts, our decision-making was aided by the previous investment we made in addressing the inequities of our pay structure.

National League of Cities Takes Message of Arts, Racial Equity, and Healing to Mayors by Jay Dick
Americans for the Arts partners with a range of associations of elected officials at all levels of government to promote the arts and culture as solutions to cities’ various issues or problems. We work with the National League of Cities and similar organizations to promote arts and culture at the national level in order to get the attention of elected officials, which allows you, the local advocate, to follow up.

News Room

Introducing the Arts Education Action Kit: Make the Case for Arts Education In Your Schools
The kit features information on advocacy strategies, messaging, and research to improve the availability and quality of arts education in schools and communities. With these resources, anyone can become an arts education advocate and make the case for why arts education is essential.

NYC’s new Black Lives Matter Mural is More than Art
While some examples of public art in support of the BLM this summer have been powerful because of their timely reaction to current events, communities like New York City are taking the time to have community input before creating anything and to ensure that those involved with the public art projects are committed to the issue for which the art is seeking to promote.

ArtsU | Antigone in Ferguson: Building a Chorus that Can’t Preach to Itself (By Design)
Bryan Doerries and Phil Woodmore discuss their performance Antigone in Ferguson, conceived in the wake of Michael Brown’s death in 2014, and how it became a catalyst for panel and audience-driven discussions about racialized violence, structural oppression, misogyny, gender violence, and social justice.

Pictured: Rev. John Wilkins, a 2020 Johnson Fellow nominee, performs at Levitt Shell in Memphis, TN.