Wednesday, June 23, 2021

U.S. Senate Seal

Americans for the Arts President and CEO General Nolen V. Bivens (U.S. Army Ret.) submitted official testimony to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies to support federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) at $201 million for FY 2022—a $33.5 million increase over FY 2021 funding. This ask matches President Biden's recent budget request for the agency.

In submitted testimony, Bivens expressed deep appreciation to Congress and the bipartisan work of the Subcommittee and focused his testimony on the vital impact of the NEA—particularly in creating jobs and generating public funds—and the remarkably far-reaching nature of the NEA, touching communities that have fewer opportunities to experience the arts. With the majority of direct grants going to small- and medium-sized organizations, the NEA often support projects for audiences that otherwise might not have access to arts programming. Bivens stressed that we must continue to strongly support federal funding of the arts, as it fosters investment, spurs job-related growth, expands educational opportunities, is essential to rural communities, and provides for the preservation of our heritage.

A $33.5 million increase to the NEA, based on current programming, would provide: 

  • An increase in the total amount for direct endowment grants by about $18 million

  • An increase of $12 million to the NEA’s state partnership agreement. 

  • With the NEA estimation of a 9:1 return for each direct grant dollar, this funding level increase would be expected to leverage an additional $500 million in non-federal matching support. 

  • $15 million in funding to advance racial equity, access, and climate justice through the Endowment. 

The case for increased funding for the NEA was made at the National Arts Action Summit and in the 2021 Congressional Arts Handbook. The Handbook details facts and figures that show why supporting the NEA is vital to advancing the arts in America.