Tuesday, April 13, 2010

04-13-2010: Americans for the Arts, in conjunction with 86 national organizations, hosted the 2010 Arts Advocacy Day. More than 500 arts advocates from across the country held meetings with congressional offices. Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. (Charleston, SC) delivered the 23rd Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture at the Kennedy Center on the art of city design; the revitalization of his hometown of Charleston and the role mayors can play in transforming their cities into dynamic and more livable cultural communities. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was given the 2010 Congressional Arts Leadership Award. Selected press coverage from Arts Advocacy Day includes:

4/13 - Associated Press: 'Housewives' star calls on Congress for arts funds

4/14 - Politico: NEA finds friends in Congress