Mary McCullough-Hudson

1993 Honoree - Michael Newton Award


Mary McCullough-Hudson is president and CEO of the Fine Arts Fund (FAF), a position she has held for nine years following 10 years as the director of the Fine Arts Fund's annual united arts campaign. During her tenure, the Fine Arts Fund campaign has grown from $2.5 million to $10 million (2003). In addition to annual fundraising, the Fine Arts Fund manages an endowment for member arts organizations and has established an Office of Planned Giving to serve as a resource for the growth of the endowments of the FAF and its member organizations. The Fine Arts Fund also operates an Arts Services Office to provide technical support for the region's small and mid-sized arts organizations. In partnership with the Arts & Business Council of New York, the FAF sponsors a Business Volunteers for the Arts program and American Express's National Arts Marketing Program. McCullough-Hudson has been a frequent consultant and presenter on united arts fundraising throughout the country. Among her honors have been the YWCA Career Women of Achievement award (2000) and the CCM Distinguished Alumna award (2001). A native Cincinnatian, McCullough-Hudson received both her bachelor's and master's degrees in opera performance from the University of Cincinnati's College — Conservatory of Music.