Check Out Their New Website and Facebook Page!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Congressional Arts Caucus, co-led by Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ),  is one of the largest and most active on Capitol Hill, and is central to supporting the arts and arts education in the U.S. House of Representatives. Recently, 10 new members of Congress have signed up!

  • AL - Terri Sewell (D)
  • CA - Julia Brownley (D)
  • FL - Joe Garcia (D)
  • LA - Vance McAllister (R)
  • MA - Bill Keating (D)
  • MN - Rick Nolan (D)
  • NH - Carol Shea-Porter (D)
  • PA - Mike Fitzpatrick (R)
  • WA - Derek Kilmer (D)
  • WI - Reid Ribble (R)

The Caucus also has a newly re-activated website including a spotlight feature where they plan to profile members of the Caucus and their connection with the arts! First up is Caucus member Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29). You can also follow the Congressional Arts Caucus on Facebook as well.

Both Caucus co-Chairs spoke at the Congressional Arts Kick Off of Arts Advocacy Day in the Cannon Caucus Room, helping inspire subsequent office visits to almost 300 members of Congress or staff. Check out video of all Arts Advocacy Day speakers.

In early April, the Caucus held a briefing in the auditorium of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center including a student performance from the Rochester, NY "Strings for Success" and a conversation with staff from the National Endowment for the Arts.