“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” -Albert Einstein

Perhaps the most compelling support for learning at all ages comes from participants:

Road Scholar participants chat with Maestro Perlman after an attending an exclusive rehearsal by the BSO. Photo by BSO.

Road Scholar participants chat with Maestro Perlman after an attending an exclusive rehearsal by the BSO. Photo by BSO.

“Many of us have been going to hear the BSO for DECADES! The classes of “Behind the Scenes at the BSO” fulfilled many of our dreams. Thank you so very much for creating such a splendid series of classes.”  – Student at Johns Hopkins University’s Osher program; May, 2014

Children and parents listen and interact with musicians during the Music Box concert “Bugs” on April 5th, 2014. Photo by Jim Saah.

Children and parents listen and interact with musicians during the Music Box concert “Bugs” on April 5th, 2014. Photo by Jim Saah.




“The program for the tiniest audience members was truly inspired. My grand-daughter (age 3) said the music was ‘beautiful’ and ‘magical.’ I appreciated that the mix of music for Bugs included a range from ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ to Bach and Fauré. The children were remarkably well behaved which speaks for their attention to the program being offered. Please accept this check as evidence of my support for this kind of programming. Cheers!” – Grandmother attending the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s Music Box Concert, April 2014, at the Music Center at Strathmore




BSO Musician Andrew Balio coaches 2013 Academy Participants during a Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal. Photo by Arthur Feller.

BSO Musician Andrew Balio coaches 2013 Academy Participants during a Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal. Photo by Arthur Feller.

“Playing with the BSO Academy in 2011 was a dream come true for me and fulfilled my bucket list. Playing with the BSO Academy in 2012 was the icing on the bucket list. If I get the chance to play with the BSO Academy in 2013, it will be the sprinkles on the icing. The BSO Academy ROCKS and gets better and better every year!” – Flute player in the BSO Academy


The quotes above demonstrate the benefits of the arts to participants no matter the age. There are equally clear benefits to the provider of lifelong learning experiences. Arts organizations of all sizes are constantly struggling for greater attendance at their events. Offering opportunities for alternate ways to engage with the organization will ultimately lead to larger audiences for its primary activity: in the case of the Baltimore Symphony – symphonic performances. Parents of students in the Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestras are now attending regular concerts with their children. Academy participants are now subscribers. Parents of the very, very young feel welcome to the concert hall and are thrilled to introduce their babies to the BSO – hopefully an experience that will resonate for years to come.

Lifelong learners involved with an organization on multiple levels also seem to be responsive to increased levels of giving. They feel invested in the organization because it provides them so many wonderful avenues for lifelong learning that they often welcome the opportunity to help support the institution.

Experts seem to agree that lifelong learning can help to promote brain development in the very young and help to avoid brain deterioration in the very old. And if not for any other motive, these are compelling reasons to both provide and participate in learning throughout one’s entire lifespan. Ultimately, for arts organizations who are weighing the advantages of providing arts education, the prospect of increased audience, funding, and visibility should be serious considerations.
