Luminous Field


Title: Luminous Field
Photo Credit: LAZ, Ken Ilio, Critter
Lead Artist(s):

Contributing Artist(s):
Sean Gallero


For ten evenings only, from February 10-20, 2012, "LUMINOUS FIELD”, a site-specific video and sound installation transformed Millennium Park into a digital canvas of light and geometrical form. Created specifically for Millennium Park, the installation illuminated Cloud Gate – known by Chicagoans as “The Bean” – and the AT&T Plaza on which it sits with dramatic images and colors set to music composed by Owen Clayton Condon. “When initiating this project we reflected on the accessible character of Millennium Park, and intended to create a piece that encourages public interaction.

Cloud Gate is a magnet that attracts and reflects its visitors, we started envisioning how the sculpture would play with light. Taking inspiration from floor mosaics, the urban grid, pedestrian symbols, like crosswalks, we began to animate geometric shapes and color into a luminous field and mapped the video to fit the existing floor tile design of AT&T Plaza. “Luminous Field became a digital playground for people to follow and engage with light, it attracted more than 65,000 Chicagoans and out of town visitors to the Park; the project has been featured in Time magazine, the Chicago Tribune, and gestaltens’ recently published book Going Public (2012).“Luminous Field is a compelling demonstration - at once amazing and gentle - of the convergence of art, theater and architecture in the living dynamic of a great city. Bathing it in striking patterns, Leftward helps us see and feel the city which we inhabit, workaday, often unseeing and unfeeling. A benign bug-zapper for human beings, Luminous Field's light and sound draws in the politely jostling crowd, a flash mob of interacting strangers, individual personalities whose lives may never intersect again, for a small succession of moments finding common purpose in an exercise of the delight of being alive.” Lynn Becker, ARCHITECTURECHICAGOPLUS


Located in Millenium Park-loop district
Millenium Park
201 E Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60616
United States

click the map to enlarge

Choose Chicago (formerly known as COTC)
Dorothy Coyle
Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture
Liviu Pasare, Video Programmer, Owen Clayton Condon, Composer, Jeremy Getz, AV Chicago

Sound, Video
Projections, Sound
Video, sound

Embedded thumbnail for 2013 Public Art Network Year in Review: Luminous Field
Embedded thumbnail for 2013 Public Art Network Year in Review: Millennium Park Glows With an Interactive Video and Sound Stage