Thursday, February 5, 2015

On Martin Luther King Day, Floyd Green, Vice President of Community Relations & Urban Marketing at Aetna and member of the Americans for the Arts Board of Directors, received the National Action Network’s Merit Award for his efforts to expand healthy living to all communities. In his acceptance remarks, Mr. Green highlighted the significance of the arts to personal health and achievement. “What I have noticed across the country, when we look at total health, is our kids’ inability to dream,” he told the packed audience. He connected this inability to the removal of arts and arts education from schools. 

Mr. Green, a committed STEAM advocate, has been working to shift corporate dialogue from supporting STEM to including the arts through STEAM. When named among the Top 100 Diverse Corporate Leaders in STEM, he discussed the improvements that his company saw when the arts were integrated into their science, technology, engineering, and math causes. 

Watch Mr. Green make the case that STEAM will help move our children and country forward as he accepts his award at the video link below from C-SPAN.
