We offer customized arts experiences to businesses. To ensure that each opportunity is right for your group and objectives, we provide consultations designed to identify the best possible service for your goals. Contact our staff to schedule a consultation.

  • Skills Day: One or more arts organizations present a specific issue/need/opportunity, and employees work in teams to devise solutions. Employees will have the opportunity to engage with colleagues from across the business while enhancing their skills.

  • Arts Volunteer Fair: Arts organizations come together to present their volunteer opportunities to business employees, who can sign up to participate or schedule time to learn more about specific opportunities.
  • Ask a Consultant event: Volunteers from your business make themselves available to provide arts organizations with advice in specific areas (e.g. marketing, finance, HR, IT). Volunteers can provide consulting to multiple arts organizations at one event.
  • Employee art show: Employee art shows offer businesses an opportunity to discover, recognize, and celebrate the hidden creative talents of employees and enhance the work environment.