Designs for Fund-Raising


Research Abstract
Designs for Fund-Raising

One might reasonably inquire why, after so many years, this book has been republished without one phrase altered - without any changes to reflect a ten-fold increase in giving and the technological advances that have so enhanced the capabilities of today's fund-raiser. The reasons are clear and concise. First, the author captured the essence of both fund-raising and American philanthropy, i.e., volunteerism and personal involvement. Second, he had an uncanny sense of the universally applicable principles that leapfrog the decades. Third, Si Seymour wrote this book for fund-raising's newcomers and trainees for whom he had a special concern and a lasting message that transcends numbers, current practices and the literature of his day.

When it appeared in 1966, Designs for Fund-raising was the first major how-to book ever written about fund-raising. The author's vision was so broad, his foresight so strong, that even today this volume remains the most helpful and important book ever written on philanthropic fund-raising, its principles, patterns and techniques. It is, in a word, the classic of the field - still the best source of basic insights and understanding a fund-raising executive can hope to find. True, some of the statistics and details have changed since 1966. (Those changes are marked by small numbers in the text and are annotated at the back of this volume). But the insights and understanding remain as true and valuable as the day they were written, perhaps even more so. (p. ix-x)

Section 1. Essential background for fund-raising [fundraising].

  1. What we need to know about people.
  2. The makings of a cause.
  3. Current patterns for gifts and givers.

Section 2. Campaign procedures - Before, during and after.

  4. What you do ahead of time is what counts most.
  5. Fund-raising techniques, good and bad.
  6. Post-campaign goals and programs.

Section 3. Things to know more about.

  7. Thoughts for development offices.
  8. Ten special aspects of fund-raising.
  9. Professional help - When, why, and how.
10. Leadership should have two dimensions.

Appendixes [bibliography].

One might reasonably inquire why, after so many years, this book has been republished without one phrase altered - without any changes to reflect a ten-fold increase in giving and the technological advances that have so enhanced the capabilities of today's fund-raiser.

Seymour, Harold J.
2nd edition
0-030807-07-3 (pbk)
220 p.
December, 1987

Fund-Raising Institute
Box 365
PA, 19002