The City As a Stage: Strategies for the Arts in Urban Economics


Research Abstract
The City As a Stage: Strategies for the Arts in Urban Economics

Paper presented at the Arts Edge Conference on cities and cultural planning, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Partners for Livable Places, the American Council for the Arts and the City of Pittsburgh, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-7, 1981.

In addition to the chapters individually analyzed - Foreword by Michael John Pittas.
Preface by Dorothy Jacobson.
Introduction by Kevin W. Green.
Selected bibliography.
Abbreviated index - names and places.

Paper presented at the Arts Edge Conference on cities and cultural planning, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Partners for Livable Places, the American Council for the Arts and the City of Pittsburgh, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-7, 1981.

Conference Paper/Presentation
Green, Kevin W.
162 p.
December, 1982

Partners for Livable Communities
1429 21st Street, NW
DC, 20036
United States