Arts Education Perception Survey Research Report


Research Abstract
Arts Education Perception Survey Research Report
"This study examined perceptions of arts education in elementary schools and communities across the state of Oklahoma utilizing The Arts Education Perception Survey (TAEPS). Respondents included 9,753 legislators, business people, parents, teachers, school administrators, and school board members associated with 120 randomly-selected rural and urban schools. Results indicate that these educators and community members held fairly traditional views of what constitutes arts education, expressing highest levels of agreement with formal performance-based or arts-production activities. In contrast with high levels of agreement about the positive benefits of arts in education, it is striking to note respondents general disagreement that schools have adequate funding and supplies. General disagreement expressed for the item Legislators value arts education may hold important implications for arts education policy and the publics perceptions of legislative support for the arts."
Quantitative study of a survey that examined perceptions of arts education in Oklahoma.

Nancy H. Barry, PhD; Linda Garrett, MSM; John Clinton, PhD

Oklahoma Center for Arts Education at the University of Central Oklahoma
100 N. University Dr
OK, 73034-5209