The Arts in Transition: Creative Responses


Research Abstract
The Arts in Transition: Creative Responses

The proceedings of this conference on Arts in Transition: Creative Responses are included in this pamphlet. The conference was designed to promote a dialogue among arts groups, service organizations, corporations and public agencies focusing on arts development issues of the 80's and the opportunities for innovate responses in arts management and federal/local policy.

Future Roles for the NEA:
     Keynote Address by the Hon. Frank Hodsoll, Chairman, National Endowment
     for the Arts.
Private Support for the Arts:
     Remarks of Mr. Leonard Fleischer, Senior Advisor for Arts Programs, Exxon.
The Future of Local and State Support: A New York Perspective.
New York State--Stability through Enlightened Leadership:
     Remarks by Ms. Kitty Carlisle Hart, Chairperson, The New York State Council
     on the Arts.
New York City--The Fight to Serve Both the Established and the New:
     Remarks by Mr. Henry Geldzahler, New York City Commissioner of Cultural

Conference Workshops:
     Development Challenges/Innovative Responses.
     Current and Long-Range Challenges. 
     Meeting These Challenges with Innovative Responses: Innovation at the Federal 
     Level; Innovation at the Local Level; and Innovation Within the Arts.

Concluding Observations:
     The Future of Federal Arts Support: A Congressional Perspective.
     The Need for a Broader Base of Congressional Involvement and Support:
          Remarks by the Hon. Fred Richmond, chairman of the Congressional Arts
     Substantial Increase in Federal Arts Support Unlikely--The Role of Other
          Remarks by the Hon. Ted Weiss (D-NY).
     The Arts and the National Agenda: Competition for a Shrinking Pie:
          Remarks by the Hon. Charles Schumer, (D-NY).

The proceedings of this conference on Arts in Transition: Creative Responses are included in this pamphlet. The conference was designed to promote a dialogue among arts groups, service organizations, corporations and public agencies focusing on arts development issues of the 80's and the opportunities for innovate responses in arts management and federal/local policy.

Cwi, David
13 p.
December, 1981