Reggae to Rachmaninoff: How and Why People Participate in Arts and Culture


Research Abstract
Reggae to Rachmaninoff: How and Why People Participate in Arts and Culture
The research presented in this report provides new information about how and why people participate in arts and culture that has important implications for how arts and culture providers and supporters, and people engaged in community building attempt to reach and involve their publics. The findings are based on a broad definition of arts and culture that encompasses attendance at any live music, theater, or dance event, or seeing visual art either in a museum or gallery or in another place not necessarily devoted to presenting art. (Publisher’s description) This report focuses on findings from a telephone survey of arts/cultural participation in five Community Partnerships for Cultural Participation (CPCP) communities. CPCP is an initiative of the Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds that began in 1997.
The research presented in this report provides new information about how and why people participate in arts and culture that has important implications for how arts and culture providers and supporters, and people engaged in community building attempt to reach and involve their publics.

Walker, Christopher; Scott-Melnyk, Stephanie D.; with Kay Sherwood
72 p.

Urban Institute Press
2100 M Street, NW
DC, 20037