Theatre Facts 2007: A Report on Practices and Performance in the American Not-for-profit Theatre Based on the Annual TCG Fiscal Survey


Research Abstract
Theatre Facts 2007: A Report on Practices and Performance in the American Not-for-profit Theatre Based on the Annual TCG Fiscal Survey

Theatre Facts uses responses to the annual TCG Fiscal Survey to offer an analysis of the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health. Theatre Facts 2007 compiles information for the fiscal year that theatres completed during the period October 31, 2006, and September 30, 2007. Theatres continue to make tremendous contributions to the nation's artistic legacy and to their communities, which is difficult to capture through quantitative analyses.

Theatre Facts uses responses to the annual TCG Fiscal Survey to offer an analysis of the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health. Theatre Facts 2007 compiles information for the fiscal year that theatres completed during the period October 31, 2006, and September 30, 2007. Theatres continue to make tremendous contributions to the nation's artistic legacy and to their communities, which is difficult to capture through quantitative analyses.


Voss, Zannie Giraud and Voss, Glenn B.

Theatre Communications Group
520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor
New York
NY, 10018-4156