Sacramento: Art Therapy and Creativity; San Francisco: Legislatures and Arts Policy; A Report of Two Meetings of the Arts, Tourism and Cultural Resources Committee


Research Abstract
Sacramento: Art Therapy and Creativity; San Francisco: Legislatures and Arts Policy; A Report of Two Meetings of the Arts, Tourism and Cultural Resources Committee

This report contains summaries of two meetings of the Arts, Tourism, and Cultural Resources Committee, one held in Sacramento and the other held in San Francisco. This meeting, which took place November 11-13, was convened in several of Sacramento's historic buildings. Discussion topics included California's art programs. in prisons and mental institutions, the John F. Kennedy Center's Imagination Celebration, art therapy with the severely mentally disturbed, and the role of the humanities in stimulating creativity. (p. 1)

The National Conference of State Legislatures' Arts, Tourism and Cultural Resources Committee held it s annual special meeting in San Francisco, November 14-16, 1984. This meeting focused on arts policy, and topics included state fiscal conditions and their effects on the arts, arguments for state arts appropriations, arguments for and against legislative line items for arts institutions, no-cost and low-cost arts legislation, relationships between legislators and state arts agencies, and state legislation to support individual artists. The purpose of this meeting was to allow committee members and associates to discuss their experiences with these issues and to have time for serious thought and debate. (p. 7)


A. Arts-in-corrections.
B. Art in mental institutions.
C. Art and the severely mentally disturbed.
D. Imagination celebration.
E. Humanities and creativity.

San Francisco.

A. The Future of state fiscal conditions and their effects on the arts.
B. Making the argument for state arts appropriations.
C. The line item - arguments for and against.
D. No-cost and low-cost arts legislation.
E. Relationships between legislatures and state arts agencies.
F. State legislation to support individual artists.

This report contains summaries of two meetings of the Arts, Tourism, and Cultural Resources Committee, one held in Sacramento and the other held in San Francisco. This meeting, which took place November 11-13, was convened in several of Sacramento's historic buildings. Discussion topics included California's art programs. in prisons and mental institutions, the John F. Kennedy Center's Imagination Celebration, art therapy with the severely mentally disturbed, and the role of the humanities in stimulating creativity. (p. 1)

Zimmermann, Agnes
20 p.
December, 1984

National Conference of State Legislatures
7700 East First Place
CO, 80230