A New Mandate for Philanthropy? U.S. Foundation Support for International Arts Exchanges


Research Abstract
A New Mandate for Philanthropy? U.S. Foundation Support for International Arts Exchanges
This study contrasts grantmaking by leading American foundations in the years 2001 (the most recent year for which comprehensive data were available) and 1990, the first full year after the Cold War. The conclusions are sobering: among the minority of foundations that support the arts, international exchange grants that is, grants that directly encourage artists, productions or arts experts to cross Americas borders rank among the lowest of funding priorities. (From Introduction)
This study contrasts grantmaking by leading American foundations in the years 2001 (the most recent year for which comprehensive data were available) and 1990, the first full year after the Cold War.

Cultural Diplomacy Research Series
33 p.
December, 2002

Americans for the Arts (formerly Center for Arts and Culture)
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, 6th Floor
DC, 20005