Room to Move: An Arts Facilities Survey


Research Abstract
Room to Move: An Arts Facilities Survey

This survey of arts organizations in New York State clarifies many of the questions surrounding the space usage and needs of these institutions. An important consideration to keep in mind when discussing these issues is the wide diversity in the sizes of these organizations and, consequently, their space needs. Even though the average organization represented by this survey has only a modest space need, the results indicate that these needs are often inadequately met. While data on the cost of space is unfortunately incomplete, the results point, not surprisingly, to appreciable cost increases in recent years. The extent of space turnover among these organizations is evidenced by the finding that the median length of occupancy of the current space is 7 years (lower in Manhattan at 6 years). Finally, the survey looked at another issue facing arts organizations, the cost of liability insurance. (Introduction p. 4-7)

Summary and conclusions.

1. Characteristics of responding organizations.
2. How arts organizations use space.
3. The budgetary impact of the cost of space.
4. The sharing of space among arts organizations.
5. Renovations.
6. Satisfaction with current space.
7. Planning to move.
8. Liability insurance.
9. The space problem.

     Survey result tabulations - Statewide.
     Survey result tabulations - New York City.
     Survey form.

This survey of arts organizations in New York State clarifies many of the questions surrounding the space usage and needs of these institutions. An important consideration to keep in mind when discussing these issues is the wide diversity in the sizes of these organizations and, consequently, their space needs.

New York State Council on the Arts. Architecture, Planning and Design Program
51 p., appendix
December, 1986

New York State Council on the Arts
300 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor
New York
NY, 10010