Funding The Arts and Culture Through Dedicated State Lotteries; Part 2: Opening the Way for Alternative Decision Making and Funding Structures


Research Abstract
Funding The Arts and Culture Through Dedicated State Lotteries; Part 2: Opening the Way for Alternative Decision Making and Funding Structures

State lotteries have become an increasingly popular way of raising new resources for government programmes, particularly since the proven spectacular success of Lotto games. It is not uncommon for the state to promise that the revenues from these lotteries will be used for good causes, partly out of a genuine desire to provide additional public resources to certain sectors of society and partly because of the politics that are necessary to develop support for a lottery as a form of government activity. This political argument has two elements: to encourage political support of the idea of a lottery and to encourage the purchase of tickets among those who wish to support the sectors that will receive lottery revenues, individuals who are not necessarily viewed as the primary potential purchasers of lottery tickets. Thus, the dedicated lottery by which lottery revenues are channeled to specified public purposes has become a particularly popular government funding mechanism, especially in the field of art and culture.

The handling of lottery money.
Dedicated lotteries and the arts - eight cases.
Interpreting the data.


Schuster, J. Mark Davidson
December, 1994