One Stop Shop for Your Administrative and Outreach Needs

  • Customized grassroots action center for your website
  • Alignment of your local action alerts and Americans for the Arts national campaigns 
  • Online directory of elected officials
  • Local address--home and business--matching for grassroots ease of use
  • In-depth contact database for backend administrators
  • Robust email broadcast tool with "Smartlink" technology
  • Anytime, in-depth tracking reports of grassroots activity and e-newsletter view rates
  • Survey tools to gather supporter opinions, stories, etc.


Action Center Package Pricing

Standard - $1,500 / year

Anytime Add-Ons

This package includes:

Interested in greater customization?

  • Custom Local Action Center targeting mayors, city council, and other elected officials
  • Customized action center webpage matching the look and feel of your website
  • Introductory training
  • Ongoing technical assistance from Americans for the Arts staff
  • Advocacy campaign consulting from Americans for the Arts staff
  • Additional features including:
    • Unlimited email and newsletter templates
    • Surveys
    • Petitions
    • Fly-in management tool
    • Scorecard building
    • Integration with organizational social media channels


Examples include:

  • Local school boards
  • County officials

Contact Jay Dick, Americans for the Arts' Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs today for customized target and add-on pricing options.






Sample Custom Action Center