Engaging Students, Supporting Schools, Accessing Arts Educatiion: Highlights from the Arizona Arts Education Census Project


Research Abstract
Engaging Students, Supporting Schools, Accessing Arts Educatiion: Highlights from the Arizona Arts Education Census Project

2009 the Arizona Arts Education Research Institute (AAERI)–a partnership of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Arizona Department of Education, College of Fine Arts at the University of Arizona, College of Arts & Letters at Northern Arizona University and the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University–commissioned a study of access to arts education in Arizona public schools. Their initial report on this research was published in 2010.

The results of this survey reported that 80% of students have access to some sort of arts education in their school. 20% percent of schools offered no courses in any arts discipline. Another 22% offered at least one course in just one arts discipline. More commonly, (39%) schools offered at least one course in two different disciplines.  Music and Visual Art are most popular in Elementary and Middle Schools and 55% of schools provide the required instruction in these subjects. At the high-school level, more students are enrolled in Dance than there are in Band, Orchestra, or Theatre. 75% of schools participated in arts-based field trips, and 37% of all schools reported using Artists-in-Residence programs. 50% of schools reported a budget of $0 to support arts education, and 79% reported spending less than $1 per pupil per year, or less than half a cent per day.  More than 134,203 (13%) students attend school every day with no access to arts education taught by a highly qualified teacher. 56% of schools total have updated curricula to reflect the Arizona Academic Arts Standards.

This is the highlighs report of that census. Also available are the full report, summary report, and survey tool. A follow-up study was conducted in 2014.

Arizona K-12 public school principals were invited to participate in a survey about arts education in their schools. 409 school principals, representing 236,645 students, participated by reporting on their schools curriculum, instruction, funding and factors that contribute to the delivery of arts education. The census results represent 22% of all enrolled students from urban, suburban, rural and charter schools. The results of this survey reported that 80% of students have access to some sort of arts education in their school. Relatively few schools offered at least one course in three arts disciplines (9%) or four disciplines (10%). The results represent 22% of all enrolled students from urban, suburban, rural, and charter schools.


Arizona Arts Education Research Institute
July 2010

Arizona Commission on the Arts
417 West Roosevelt Street
AZ, 85003