Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The House voted 218-213 to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Congress is now a step closer to renewing ESEA, which has been expired since 2007 and is long overdue.

The bill (H.R. 5) contains a few provisions that are advantageous for arts education, especially for teachers of music, dance, theater and the visual arts. For example, there is specific language that includes arts educators as eligible for Title II professional development support, and arts education is one priority in the proposed local competitive grant program. However, the bill overall is detrimental to ensuring a well-rounded, complete education, especially for disadvantaged students. It would increase the equity gap that currently exists. It passed in a close vote and without any Democratic support.

The Senate continues its consideration of its bipartisan proposal, S. 1177. This version includes a number of arts-friendly provisions, including retaining the arts as a core academic subject—a key legislative priority.

Visit Americans for the Arts' grassroots campaign to take action and help support arts education. Read more background in this ARTSblog post available here.