Trail of Dreams, Trail of Ghosts


Title: Trail of Dreams, Trail of Ghosts
Photo Credit:
Lead Artist(s):


TRAIL OF DREAMS, TRAIL OF GHOSTS consists of two works at different sites along the old Camino Real in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The artist was inspired by an ancient Native American image drawn in a primitive bowl of two spirals that intertwine. These spirals suggest the Spanish and Native American cultures that became intertwined as a result of the trail.TRAIL OF DREAMS, TRAIL OF GHOSTS in De Vargas Park has a dome in a city park where visitors can sit in dappled shade. It is a light stencil of interpenetrating images from the religious beliefs of both cultures. The sun reveals the images woven together in the shadows cast on the surface below. At Frenchy’s Park a few miles away, there are intertwining stone walls that are etched with images depicting the goods brought into the Indian world by the Spanish. These images only become apparent as sunlight rakes across the surface. A large mosaic of stone, brass, stainless steel, concrete and glass depicts the voyage along the trail in a symbolic way. The viewer walks down a sloped walk to the seating area below five feet below grade. Here there is shade where it is cool in the summer and shelter from the cold winter winds.These works have been embraced by the local community from the time of their construction. In De Vargas Park, the undocumented workers, who wait for people to come and hire them at that corner, now proudly explain to visitors what the work is about. At Frenchy’s Park, the artist invited the local residents to place their hand prints into wet concrete around the outer circle of the mosaic so that they not only took possession of this work, but were symbolically linked to those who came here so long ago. The placing of hand prints into the work was inspired by several ancient artifacts that bore the hand prints of their makers. At the opening ceremonies, in addition to the official welcome of the works, local residents had gathered flowers from their gardens to make a bouquet for the artist in thanks.


along the route of the old Camino Real
Frenchy’s Park
Agua Fria and Osage St.
Santa Fe, NM 87505
United States

click the map to enlarge

New Mexico Arts
City of Santa Fe Arts Commission

Concrete/Masonry, Glass, Metal, Stone
Frenchy's Park: stone, brass, stainless steel, glass, granite De Vargas Park: steel and concrete