Local Arts Agency Census 2015: Public Art


One Pagers
Local Arts Agency Census 2015: Public Art

Local arts agencies (LAAs) bring the arts to the people. Forty-five percent of LAAs administer a public art program, presenting free and accessible artworks to the community. These programs offer both temporary and permanent projects in venues ranging from plazas and transit systems to hospitals and fire stations.

LAA public art programs can be as small as an individual artist’s project or as large as multi-million dollar development initiatives. Regardless of their budget, the most successful projects involve the artist and the community at the outset, and often include engineers, architects, planners, and art administrators (typically LAA staff members). Three dimensional work such as sculpture and statues are the most common types of projects, but LAAs also support temporary installations, multimedia projects, and other artistic disciplines.

Visit the Local Arts Agency Census Page to see other one pagers.

This one pager give an overview of key data from the 2015 Local Arts Agency Census about how local arts agencies support and public art projects.


Cohen, Randy
May 2016

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005