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The Business Committee for the Arts is comprised of business leaders who are passionate about the role the arts play in advancing business goals and transforming communities. Members serve as ambassadors for the mission of the Business Committee for the Arts of Americans for the Arts and connectors helping us reach the business community. Business Committee for the Arts members serve in executive leadership positions and demonstrate a commitment to supporting the arts in America.

What we are looking for:

  • Representatives from all 50 states
  • Business leaders who serve in senior leadership positions
  • Businesses representing different sizes and industries

Business Committee for the Arts members can participate by:

  • serving as a spokesperson by providing a quote for newspaper articles or signing an op-ed
  • lending his/her name to articles and op-eds in business publications and on The pARTnership Movement (www.pARTnershipMovement.org) promoting the many ways the arts can advance business goals
  • when available, joining in-person or virtual conversations on trends in arts and business partnerships. These convenings provide an opportunity for business leaders to gather with their peers to discuss trends in business support for the arts and the role of the arts in transforming communities.
  • when available, serving as an arts spokesperson with national partner organizations such as The Conference Board, CECP, Independent Sector or Council on Foundations, industry specific organizations or local organizations, including chambers of commerce