An e-bulletin of the national Business Committee for the Arts (BCA), a division of Americans for the Arts to demonstrate the value of business-arts partnerships throughout the United States.  For more information about BCA and its programs, www.AmericansForTheArts.org/bca
Decrease in Giving
Large foundations and corporations have signaled that they will decrease giving in 2009.  In July, David Koch, Executive Vice President, Koch Industries gave $100 million to the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center.  He is turning away new solicitations as earnings at his company drop 50%.  For information, www.wsj.com
Corporate Giving in 2008
A study by GuideStar examined contributions to charitable organizations in the first 9 months of 2008 as compared to the first 9 months of 2007.  34% of respondents selected "corporate gifts smaller" as the reason giving decreased in 2008.  13% selected "corporate gifts discontinued" as the reason for the decrease.  For information, www.guidestar.org

Innovation Remains Important
Businesses need to prioritize innovation even in difficult economic times.  In her book, Closing the Innovation Gap, Judy Estrin suggests businesses foster an atmosphere of creativity which allows everyone to take risks and think of novel solutions.  For information, www.newyorktimes.com.  

JPMorgan Chase to Match Washington Mutual's 2008 Philanthropy
JPMorgan Chase announced that in 2009, it will match Washington Mutual's 2008 giving of $2.6 million in Washington state.  For information, www.seattlepi.com.   
Many Nonprofits Will Not Survive Economic Crisis
NYU Professor Paul Light predicts that 100,000 nonprofits nationwide will have to shut down as a result of the financial crisis.  The panel, hosted by the Foundation Center in New York City, suggests nonprofits collaborate on back office support and health care plans and think about new ways of operating. 
For information, www.crains.com.  
Starbucks Celebrates Employee Creativity
In November, Starbucks presented Avant-Grande, a public exhibition of visual art and spoken word performances created by Starbucks employees in New York and Washington DC.  100% of ticket sales were donated to the Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York and Sol y Soul in Washington DC.  For information, www.starbucksavant-grande.com.   

Keith Haring Balloon in Thanksgiving Parade
As part of Macy's "Blue Sky Gallery", Keith Haring's iconic image "Figure with Heart" was recreated as a 48' tall helium balloon in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  The Macy's Parade Studio worked with the Keith Haring Foundation to translate the image into a 3-D balloon.  Macy's initiated the "Blue Sky Gallery" to infuse contemporary art into the annual tradition.  For information, www.macysinc.com.

Artists' Sculpture Depicts Economic Situation  
"Main Street Meltdown", an ice sculpture carved in the shape of the word "economy", was on view in Manhattan's Financial District on October 29, the 79th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash.  According to the artists, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, "to see the word 'economy' melting down is representational of an extreme time."  For information, www.mainstreetmeltdown.com.
THE BCA TEN - 2008
THE BCA TEN: Best Companies Supporting the Arts in America was presented at a gala event in New York in October.  To read about the companies named to THE BCA TEN - 2008, the BCA Hall of Fame and the BCA Leadership Award and see pictures from the event, www.bcainc.org/thebcaten.html
Forum for New Ideas
Business and arts leaders gathered at the 6th annual Forum for New Ideas on Thursday, November 20.  Lisa Dennison, Chairman, Sotheby's North and South America, Anne Pasternak, President and Creative Director, Creative Time, and Phil Duncan, Global Design Officer, Procter & Gamble spoke about the intersection of art and business in their work.  The panel was moderated by Larry R. Thompson, President, Ringling College of Art & Design.  The national sponsor was Herman Miller Foundation and the New York sponsor was Morgan Stanley.  To read more about the Forum, www.bcainc.org/forum.html.  


Leadership in Tough Times

On December 10, Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch will moderate a webinar discussion on the strategic questions that savvy arts leaders consider when facing a major challenge-changes in the economy, content controversy, funding crises, and more.  For information, www.AmericansForTheArts.org.  
"At Emprise we've integrated art into our 'lifestyle' and 'workstyle.'  We like to show it, live it and share it.  Making our state the focus of our collection, and making the collection part of the landscape wherever we do business - tells people something about our values."
-M.D. Michaelis, Chairman, Emprise Bank