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Facts & Figures

The Chronicle of Philanthropy Finds That Giving Remains Steady From 2009

According to a Chronicle of Philanthropy survey, 73 percent of businesses said they expect their cash and product giving in 2010 to stay on track with their giving in 2009. The rest of the respondents are split in half, 13 percent anticipating a decrease and the other 13 percent anticipating an increase in giving. The survey polled 162 of the country’s largest corporations. For information, http://philanthropy.com.

Growth in the Fidelity Gift Fund
The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund is a nonprofit established by Fidelity Investments to manage donor-advised funds. The Chronicle of Philanthropy has ranked Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund third in its list of the nation’s largest charities based on money raised from private sources. Over the past six months, the Fidelity Gift Fund has seen a 67 percent increase in contributions. This was due in part by a rise in new accounts in its donor-advised fund. Contributions to the Gift Fund total $1.3 billion this fiscal year, ending June 30, which is a 39 percent increase over the last fiscal year. For information, www.nonprofitquarterly.org.

Take Note

Creativity to Be Measured in Massachusetts Schools

Gov. Deval Patrick signed off on an economic development bill which calls for the “formation of a creativity index aimed at rating public schools statewide based on their ability to teach, encourage and foster creativity in students.” Massachusetts State Sen. Stanley C. Rosenberg noted that fostering the arts will help Massachusetts financially by creating a greater creative economy. For information, www.gazettenet.com.

Funding for Arts in a Recession
Bill Radke of Marketplace speaks with Randy Cohen, vice president of local arts advancement at Americans for the Arts, about how contributions to arts nonprofits have decreased during this recession. Find out why it is important to keep supporting the arts during hard economic times by listening to the interview or reading the transcript, http://marketplace.publicradio.org.

Arts in Education Week
The U.S. House of Representatives has declared the week following the second Sunday of September as Arts in Education Week. This national movement has the potential to produce impactful results at the local level. Get involved and celebrate Arts in Education Week by visiting www.AmericansForTheArts.org.

Don’t Miss

THE BCA TEN: Best Companies Supporting the Arts in America
Ten outstanding companies will be honored at this year’s THE BCA TEN: Best Companies Supporting the Arts in America. These companies represent a diverse range of industry, size, and geography and will be celebrated for their exemplary art support at the annual gala at The Central Park Boathouse in NYC on Thursday, November 4, 2010. Clarence Otis Jr., chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Darden Restaurants, will be presented with the Leadership Award. United Technologies Corporation will be inducted into The BCA Hall of Fame for it's longstanding commitment to the arts. For the full list of honorees and to reserve a ticket or table, www.AmericansForTheArts.org/go/BCA10.

Register Now for the NAMP Conference!
Tech. Tools. Times. Make it all new at this year’s National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference in San Jose, CA, November 12–15, 2010. From new preconferences with marketing masters to workshops on technology, revenue generation, and audience engagement, this year’s NAMP Conference covers everything you need to know to help your organization thrive. Be inspired by best-selling author Chip Heath, be motivated by hospitality guru Chip Conley, and be energized by the land of microchips, Silicon Valley. To register, http://ArtsMarketing.org.

Creativity World Forum
How can we ensure that tomorrow’s business thrives and stays ahead of the curve? By fostering creativity and innovation in today’s workplace. Learn how businesses can encourage creativity in the workplace and prepare tomorrow’s workforce at the plenary session Ready to Innovate, Tuesday, November 16 at the Creativity World Forum in Oklahoma City. Speakers will explore the findings of Ready to Innovate, a report by Americans for the Arts and The Conference Board in partnership with the American Association of School Administrators, which identified arts training as crucial to developing creativity. For information and to register, http://stateofcreativity.com.

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