State of Indiana

Indiana State Arts Organizations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations
Change in Dollars from 2019 to 2020
Percent Change from 2019 to 2020
Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Taylor, Suzanne; Valdivia, Walter; Gober, Patricia , Ph.D.; Walth, Dwight, D.M.A; Dallett, Nancy, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report provides statistical data and analysis of resources and challenges impacting the arts and cultural sector in Maricopa County, Arizona along with comparative data of nine other benchmark regions to aid in understanding characteristics that affect arts and culture.

Author(s): Technology Partnership Practice and Battelle Memorial Institute, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report presents the results of a benchmarking study conducted for the Maricopa Regional Task Force on Arts and Culture Force (representing Maricopa County, Arizona) to compare the approach being taken to support investment in arts and culture in nine peer and competitor regions.

Author(s): Sapp, Dona
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

This issue brief reports analysis of arts and cultural participation in Indiana. The analysis was conducted by the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.

Author(s): Jasper Community Arts Commission
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Outlines mission, vision, service goals, marketing goals, programming goals, management of grants, information and referral services, technical assistance strategies, goverence. advocacy, audience building, staff and board development, and facility plan.

Author(s): Indiana University Center on Philanthropy and School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Date of Publication: Jan 31, 2003

A statewide survey of 2,148 Indiana nonprofits completed in the spring and early summer of 2002 provides the basis for this report. The survey included charitable, religious, advocacy, and member-serving nonprofits.

Author(s): Indiana Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1998

The information and materials in this handbook were compiled to provide the Indiana Arts Commission's Regional Partner Organizations with assistance in developing and implementing their regional grants making programs for allocating Regional Partnership Initiative block grant funding. Information in this handbook is based on the Indiana Arts Commission's past grants making policies and practices. Except where noted, specific policies, practices, and forms are optional. All information and materials may be modified to meet the specific needs of the Regional Partner Organization.

Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Plosila, Walt; Clarke, Marianne, Editors
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2004

Summary of the final report of the Maricopa Regional Arts and Culture Task Force which illustrates the economic importance of arts and culture; outlines the financial challenges facing Maricopa County, Arizonas arts and culture institutions; and recommends strategies and actions for improving the arts and culture sector.

Reflections of an Arts Administrator on her Umpteenth Americans for the Arts Convention

My first convention was in 1983 or 1984 in Hartford, when the then National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies met with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. (Those were not only the pre-digital years, but the period when the acronyms – NALAA and NASAA – were more in alignment.)

I was a fresh-faced community development coordinator for the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts. I remember what a rush it was to meet people like me from all over the country.

Fort Wayne: Integrating the Arts Through Practice

In Fort Wayne, IN, the arts are an active part of the downtown redevelopment. One of the anchors to this involvement is the new Auer Center for Arts and Culture, which is aligned with our vision of integrated partnerships.

These partnerships are both traditional, such as the ballet, an arts gallery (Artlink), and the administrative offices for Arts United, as well as non-traditional, including a small business partnership with Pembroke Bakery and offices for Fort Wayne Trails.

A Triple Win for Arts Orgs, College Students, & the Economy (from The pARTnership Movement)

The terms “triple-win” and “triple bottom line” are tossed around in nonprofit publications fairly regularly, especially when it comes to espousing the benefits of corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility.

At times, it can seem like forging triple-win partnerships are like cranking the philanthropic slot machine hoping for a three liner of cherries. A win for the nonprofit? Ding! A win for the corporate donor? Ding! A win for the community? Ding!


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