State of Kansas

Kansas State Arts Organizations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations
Change in Dollars from 2019 to 2020
Percent Change from 2019 to 2020
Author(s): Walker, Christopher; Scott-Melnyk, Stephanie D.; with Kay Sherwood
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The research presented in this report provides new information about how and why people participate in arts and culture that has important implications for how arts and culture providers and supporters, and people engaged in community building attempt to reach and involve their publics.

Author(s): Walker, Christopher; with Cory Fleming and Kay Sherwood
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This policy brief focuses on findings from a telephone survey which collected information about individual participation in a variety of arts and cultural activities. Findings showed how cultural participation correlates in other activities that support community life.

Author(s): Walker, Christopher
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This document offers findings from a survey, conducted by the Urban Institute, of residents in five places where programs have been working to broaden, deepen, and diversify cultural participation.

Author(s): Carlin, Brad, Editor
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

This document includes samples of legislation from Missouri; Montana; San Francisco, California; and Topeka, Kansas that allows for the arts to benefit from property taxes.

Author(s): NGA (National Governors Association) Center for Best Practices
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Many states have created arts-based economic development strategies to support rural communities across the who are confronting economic development issues.

My Turn: For a Humane Tax Reform

Vermont, like many states, is considering comprehensive tax reform. Committees in the Vermont Senate and House developed proposals last legislative session and systemic changes seem high on the agenda for the 2014 session. Key components focus on increasing the portion of personal income that is taxed by capping deductions, including charitable contributions.

If passed, this revision to the tax code would negatively affect the work of nonprofit organizations statewide.

The Kansas City Chiefs Tackle the World of Art

Recently, I attended the opening of the Kansas City Chiefs’ new art installation at Arrowhead Stadium.  Initiated by Sharron Hunt,  and developed with assistance from local experts Jacqueline Chanda, President of the Kansas City Art Institute; Barbara O’Brien, Director of Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Julián Zugazagoitia, Director and CEO, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; and the Sherry Leedy and Dolphin Galleries, the collection features eleven works by regional artists.  As an arts enthusiast, I was pleased to see the Chiefs’ send a clear signal to the community that they value the arts

A New Chapter for the Arts in Kansas

On Saturday, May 28, 2011, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback used his power to line item veto funding for the Kansas Arts Commission. This action makes Kansas unique in the nation as now being the only state without a fully funded and functional arts agency.

The action came after months of heated debate between a conservative house of representatives and more moderate senate that finally agreed to continue funding for at least another year. Brownback had other plans.


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