Additional Statewide Arts Education Leaders
State Education Agency
Texas Education Agency
Kelsey Kling
State Education Agency - Learn More: 

State Education Agencies often have a designated position for the arts, these individuals are members of the State Education Agencies Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE).

State Arts Action Network contact
Texans for the Arts
Ann Graham
State Advocacy Organization Learn More: 

State arts advocacy organizations oversee advocacy initiatives in each state and are members of the State Arts Action Network (SAAN).

State Arts Agency contact:
Texas Commission on the Arts
Derek Mudd, Ph.D.
State Arts Agency Learn More: 

State Arts Agencies oversee the role of the arts in the individual states and are members of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA). The majority include arts education as a priority.

Has a statewide study been done on arts education in my state?
What is the status of my state adopting new Arts Education Standards?
Not adopting
Arts Ed Standards - Learn More: 

Americans for the Arts is a part of the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) and works to help advance the state adoption of new arts education standards, influenced by the release of the National Core arts Standards in October 2014.

Texas adopted the Fine Arts Texas Essential Knowlege and Skills standards in 2013 prior to the release of the National Core arts Standards, and there is currently no plan for revision.

How is arts education funded in my state?

There is no designated budget for arts education.
Arts education funding is different in every state and is, therefore, hard to determine exact monetary figures.

Funding - Learn More: 

If there is no specific line item in your state for arts education, you may consider that for general education, on average approximately 10% of funding comes from the federal government, 47% from the state government and 43% from the local government. For more, please read our Getting Started e-book.

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