RedBall Project : Portland


Title: RedBall Project : Portland
Photo Credit: Kurt Perschke
Lead Artist(s):

Contributing Artist(s):


The RedBall Project is an inflatable mobile sculpture work/event that exists as a series of daily architectural installations spanning one or two weeks in a given city. Each site installation exists for one day with the ball wedged into a pedestrian space or architectural feature. As a transient work, fluidly moving between locations and engaging the public, RedBall is ideal in dense urban environments where it creates a kinetic experience. Portland, Oregon was a model city for the project with its vivid and pedestrian-friendly downtown. The project is installed without signage and becomes a magnetic anomaly in a familiar landscape.

Sites are chosen by the artist during an advance research visit and the entire suite is carefully conceived, orchestrated and documented, with the artist on-site throughout the project installations.

Artist statement:
When working in public, I am an advocate for people seeing sculptural space. I regard ongoing public works such as the RedBall Project as research in utilizing the built environment for temporary actions. The larger project is the developing story of how RedBall in each city relates in image and interaction. The work has the ability to provide multiple types of experience; because of its magnetic nature it can reveal complexity for those who wish to see it without being aloof for audiences unconcerned with art. Every time a person on the street says, “You know, you should really put it ...”, the project succeeds in creating that moment of active imagination. This is the core of the RedBall Project’s goal - not the object itself - but how its temporary movements and site associations allow the passerby to immediately take it on as an imaginative act.


Portland, OR
United States

click the map to enlarge

The Katalyst Consultancy

Sculpture, Kinetic
The project is both an object and an event. The object is constructed of PVC vinyl and was custom manufactured for the artist.