Leveraging New Technology Trends for Your Arts Marketing Campaign

Posted by Ms. Pat Fredshaw, Apr 19, 2019

Ms. Pat Fredshaw

The world is in constant change and is becoming more dominated by technology. When you think of arts marketing campaigns, there are a lot of elements to be taken into consideration. The visual effects play an important role in today’s technology trends. As an artist or organization, you have a strong image to protect and need to create strong relationships with your partners and keep the pace with your competitors. Therefore, you should use all of your “technology weapons” to stand out from the crowd and create a successful arts marketing campaign. Keep reading this article and learn which are the biggest technology trends that will rule the art niche in the coming years.

Source: Pexels

Interactive chatbots

Chatbots are not new. However, technology trends are evolving and so are they. When you are running a marketing campaign, it is very important to stay in contact with your audience. With a chatbot, you create combinations of text and voice messages to dialog with your consumers. You can write the scripts yourself, or you can collaborate with an essay writing service which can do the work for you. Applications like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp are extremely popular now and can help make a difference for you in the arts field.

Virtual reality

Joan Wong, the head of marketing at Onlinewritersrating, says that “artificial intelligence and virtual reality can make the difference in the arts industry in the future. For example, you can create a 360-degree tour of your latest art pieces. What’s more, when your audience has access to the tiniest details of your artwork, then they will be more convinced and trust your brand even more.”

Source: Pexels

Virtual reality can make your audience more excited and curious about you, convincing them to recommend your brand to others. Moreover, when you are organizing an exhibition with your works, virtual reality can be of great help and effect. Just imagine how your audience will react when they have the chance to catch a glimpse of what you are preparing.

Live videos

It seems there is no day that passes without someone from your friend list making a live video on Instagram or Facebook. When you produce live content showing the progress of your work, you will manage to stand out from the crowd and offer your audience a unique experience.

“When you use instant live and video notifications, you will actively engage with your followers and offer them the ideal opportunity to comment on your posts and interact with you,” says John McCoy, a marketing manager at Resumescentre.com. Live video can make your content look authentic and gives a different view of your arts content.

Interactive content

Interactive content is a wise option when you want to develop a successful marketing campaign. When you offer your audience something to interact with, you encourage them to engage with your content and become active contributors to your work. What’s more, you can use interactive content to offer a more personalized experience to your followers.

Twitter and Instagram are excellent social media platforms for posting interactive content. In addition, you can use tools like WriteLoad, Essay Supply or Grammarly to create the most engaging and appealing interactive content.

When you are planning your marketing campaign, you shouldn’t underestimate the community’s importance. You should start by defining the arts community you serve and develop a clear profile of the person who is your ideal follower. Everyone from your community has a voice and no one should be left aside.

Don’t be afraid to use technology

It’s very important to keep up with the digital trends and try them until you find the best option that works for you. Follow the tendencies mentioned above and you will see how easy it will be to leverage new technology trends for your arts marketing campaign.