Ms. Nancy Lindsey

What We Need in This Time We’re Living in

Posted by Ms. Nancy Lindsey, Jul 26, 2016

Ms. Nancy Lindsey

You’ve got to have an open mind. You’ve got to be honest with people. Until that happens, nothing is going to work. We’re going to always be divided. 

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Julia Travers

We Love You: Photographer Bryon Summers Honors 1,000+ Black Males

Posted by Julia Travers, Oct 25, 2016

Julia Travers

Photographer Bryon Summers is traveling around the country with his camera in hand, taking intimate portraits of more than 1,000 Black males of all ages for his We Love You project. Summers aims to dispel the often dehumanizing and negative stereotypes of Black males portrayed in mainstream media. Summers wants to remind Black males of all ages that they belong, they are seen, and most importantly, that they are loved.

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Ms. Pam Korza

Wake Up to a New Day

Posted by Ms. Pam Korza, Jul 24, 2017

Ms. Pam Korza

Notions of excellence and equity are linked and increasingly demand that we attend to both the positive and negative ways they intersect in policies, practices, and decisions. Which artists get opportunities, who gains resources, how are arts and cultural practices understood and valued by critics, audiences, and gatekeepers? Our Excellence and Equity Blog Salon explores these questions and provides guidance in the form of Animating Democracy's new framework Aesthetic Perspectives: Attributes of Excellence in Arts for Change.

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Mr. Mike Blockstein

The Case for Complexity

Posted by Mr. Mike Blockstein, Jul 28, 2017

Mr. Mike Blockstein

Change requires doing things differently, in new, creative, and risk-taking ways. Public Matters wants to see the arts recognized as a critical element of civic life and of a healthy community. Doing so requires pushing beyond standardized conceptions of who or what an artist is and does. The Aesthetic Framework can play a role in this conversation by expanding the appreciation of what this work entails and what it can achieve. Openly embracing risk-taking is essential, within the arts and in partnerships with historically risk-averse disciplines and agencies seeking better outcomes.

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Myah Overstreet

Jason Wyman

The Issue of Creating Across Generations

Posted by Myah Overstreet, Jason Wyman, Jan 31, 2018

Myah Overstreet

Jason Wyman

Myah Overstreet (20) and Jason Wyman (41) are an intergenerational producing team with The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture. They have worked together for over two years co-piloting The Alliance Youth Media Initiatives. Their latest endeavor with The Alliance is The Issue, a new arts + culture magazine designed to inspire a future where we all belong, which was published on January 11, 2018. The Issue is a model of intergenerational collaboration and mutual reciprocity, where diverse voices are artfully represented and joyfully celebrated. Overstreet and Wyman recently sat down to chat how and why they collaborate and create across age as a means to create a more inclusive future. 

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Josh T. Franco

Questioning the value of change from inside the Archives of American Art

Posted by Josh T. Franco, May 09, 2018

Josh T. Franco

In response to the prompt for this writing: yes, I have been at the forefront of critical changes, and I can identify the factors empowering me to do so. Those changes, centered on an inclusive understanding of what constitutes “American art,” will certainly continue to motivate my work. As I settle into my new role, however, I realize that my power to create change in the arts is rooted in a desire to encourage students and my peers to take a beat, and ask ourselves if and when we are seeking change for change’s sake. Is forward always the best direction? In my hours of conversation and archival dives, it is apparent to me every day that many of today’s issues are not unique.

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