ArtsPool Services

Pay Equity and the Power of Collective Decision Making

Posted by ArtsPool Services, Jul 14, 2020

ArtsPool Services

Like many organizations, the financial impact of COVID-19 forced us to face tough decisions about salaries and employment. When it became clear that ArtsPool might need to implement pay cuts, our decision-making was aided by the previous investment we made in addressing the inequities of our pay structure. As a result, we were able to have difficult but open conversations as a full team about how to come to an equitable solution that takes into account the needs of the organization, as well as the differing circumstances of each individual. We believe these efforts have positioned us to make better, more equitable decisions as an organization during regular operations as well as during times of crisis. While there is no single model for creating an equitable workplace, we offer our transition story as a conversation starter for other organizations who are interrogating their own staffing structures. 

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Ms. Pam Korza

Spotlight on 2020 Johnson Fellowship Nominees: The Power of Cultural Roots to Ground & Enlighten

Posted by Ms. Pam Korza, Jul 14, 2020

Ms. Pam Korza

Musical traditions hold a unique power in cultural belonging and identity for the communities and cultures from which they grow. Preservation and performance can be a political act of cultural self-determination, expression, and continuity. The stories, meaning, and sounds embodied by traditional music can gain new power for new audiences and broader communities, when linked to contemporary issues and concerns. The four extraordinary musicians featured in this installment of our blog series celebrating nominees for the 2020 Americans for the Arts Johnson Fellowship for Artists Transforming Communities draw upon cultural traditions and sometimes stretch and merge them with other forms to embrace a broader holistic view of culture and humanity. These musicians are: Dom Flemons, American roots ambassador; the Reverend John Wilkins, a bearer of blues-influenced gospel of Mississippi hill country; Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah, a Black Indian and jazz-rooted genre-blind innovator; and Tiokasin Ghosthorse, master player of the ancient red cedar Lakota flute. 

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Linda Lombardi

Member Spotlight: Madison Cario

Posted by Linda Lombardi, Jul 13, 2020

Linda Lombardi

The Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) provides grants; manages an internationally acclaimed public art program; convenes forums, networking events, and other community gatherings; and provides workshops and other forms of technical assistance for artists and nonprofit organizations in Portland, Oregon. Madison Cario joined the 501(c)(3) nonprofit as executive director in January 2019, bringing more than 20 years of experience working as a connector, curator, artist, writer, Marine Corps Veteran, and more. They recently shared some insights with us about leading a local arts agency during these turbulent times. 

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Mr. Adam Knapp

Ms. Renee Chatelain

How a Local Business Chamber & the Arts Work Together as a Vital Emergency Response and Long-Term Economic Vision

Posted by Mr. Adam Knapp, Ms. Renee Chatelain, Jul 08, 2020

Mr. Adam Knapp

Ms. Renee Chatelain

Unprecedented … resilient … essential … are words we have heard much about during the COVID-19 crisis. These words, in fact, describe every artist, arts educator, and arts organization—and not just during an emergency. Each of us as human beings are heard, healed, uplifted, and empowered by and through the arts. In both unprecedented crises and unprecedented times, ART is essential. With a growing understanding of the vital role the arts play in successful communities, Baton Rouge Area Chamber has sought to better understand and formalize its relationship with the arts sector. Baton Rouge Area Chamber has been a phenomenal arts sector partner in the response to COVID-19. The Chamber has put their strategic planning process into action by looking to the arts community for responses to medical shortfalls in personal protective equipment, maintaining the gig economy, and creating campaigns which promote safety and healing for the community.

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Dr. Jonathan Katz

Leadership Success in a Crisis Environment: A Leader’s Crisis Management Checklist

Posted by Dr. Jonathan Katz, Jul 01, 2020

Dr. Jonathan Katz

The spotlight of a crisis environment illuminates the character, values, and worth of a leader. As you prioritize functions, maintain order, and move the enterprise’s decision-making horizon further ahead, be reminded of the following principles for effective crisis management: Take stock of your assets. Maximize the good will and revenue potential of those programs and services whose value is increased by the new and changing environment. Manage time. Manage key external decisions. Manage perception of the crisis by key audiences. Review delegation in light of the tasks at hand. And think “collective impact.” This concludes a series of blogs intended to stimulate dialog about characteristics desirable in leaders during crises, the ways effective crisis managers think, the special needs and opportunities for leadership during crises, and the management principles that prove most valuable during crises.

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Ms. Pam Korza

Spotlight on 2020 Johnson Fellowship Nominees: Creating Space(s) to Activate Artistic and Cultural Movements

Posted by Ms. Pam Korza, Jun 30, 2020

Ms. Pam Korza

Venus De Mars and Luke Stewart are among the 11 exemplary music artist nominees for Americans for the Arts’ 2020 Johnson Fellowship for Artists Transforming Communities featured in our ongoing ARTSblog series. At different career stages, these artist-activists may be considered by some on the musical fringes. What they hold in common is a steady and deliberate dedication to bringing their communities out of the margins and advancing and improving conditions for them to thrive. As a punk rock singer-songwriter and transgender woman, Venus’ performances, speaking, and compassionate presence have created spaces of affirmation and communion for transgender people and fostered openness and understanding among audiences across the gender spectrum. Luke moves effortlessly between artist communities in jazz, DIY punk rock, and, most of all, improvised music. He uses his improvisation skills to be alert to and advance conditions that will allow musicians across these genres to create, perform, and learn from one another, while expanding appreciation and audiences for their work.

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