Private Sector Network Council Members

Analytical Lead, Google
Photo of Christin Crampton Day
Executive Director, CBCA
Director of Public Policy, WESTAF
Executive Director, Arts + Business Council for Greater Philadelphia
Photo of Renee Chatelain
President/CEO, Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge
Office of Cultural Affairs, Town of Hilton Head
Photo of Nicole Mullet
Executive Director, ArtsNow
Photo of Jennifer Steele
Executive Director, Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County (FL)
Public Affairs and Creative Economy Advisor, City of Little Rock
Creative Director, LeBasse Projects
Executive Director, Arts & Business Council of Chicago
Executive Director, Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance
Executive Director, Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville
Executive Director, Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut
Executive Director, Triangle Art Works

The Private Sector Council is comprised of leaders from local arts agencies, creative business, and local governments elected by the Americans for the Arts membership. Its goal is to advise staff on effective strategies that advance the following goals: reposition the arts as mutually respected partners with business; shift business mentality so that the arts are seen as solutions to company and community business objectives; align advocacy efforts to address social issues and build inclusive creative economies; and increase resources for the arts and culture sector.

 Every year, Americans for the Arts invites individuals interested in serving in a leadership role among our membership to nominate themselves or a colleague to the Private Sector Council. Please review the expectations and criteria below for serving on the Private Sector Network Council. Please note that these may differ from the other Advisory Councils. 
Role and Expectations of Council Members:

  • Meet with Americans for the Arts' staff bi-monthly (every other month), including two in-person meetings.**
  • Participate in Joint Council Meetings (all council member convenings) as able. If serving in a leadership position on the council (Chair/Co-Chair), participate in ad-hoc planning meetings as necessary.
  • Advise on the development of tools and resources that help staff achieve the goals stated above. 
  • Contribute to Artsblog and the pARTnership Movement with arts and business-related stories from their communities
  • Participate in research and program evaluations conducted by Americans for the Arts
  • Help foster deeper connections between their local communities, the private sector, and Americans for the Arts
  • Assist in selecting the recipient of the annual Michael Newton Award which recognizes an individual for their innovation in developing arts and business partnerships.
  • Participate in selecting a slate of new Private Sector Council candidates during the annual elections process. 

The Private Sector Network Council currently seeks individuals with strong experience, innovative ideas, and diverse perspectives in the following areas:

  • Those working in economic development, creative economy, creative workforce development and/or policy that supports creative/individual/gig workers, and/or who are pursuing innovative or alternative economic models for creative entities, artist entrepreneurs, and culture bearers that center equity and create equitable pathways to quality jobs. 
  • Individuals focused on equitable sourcing and utilization of resources, the equitable redistribution of community assets and resources, and the intersection of these issues with the business community.
  • Individuals working in the cultural and artistic community who are cultivating or deepening relationships with their chambers of commerce, especially community-specific chambers (for example Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ Chambers).
  • Local arts leaders who are creating or pursuing innovative partnerships with their business community.

**For the duration of 2021, expect that all council meetings and related activities will be held virtually. These may include up to regularly planned Advisory Council meetings, participation in joint/all Advisory Council member convenings, and other ad-hoc calls as determined by your Advisory Council Staff Liaison. If serving in a leadership position this may also include planning calls with other Advisory Council Chairs/Co-Chairs. Please expect 2022 meetings to be held in-person until otherwise notified.