Title: The Secret Ark of Icon Park,

Artist: Jerry Beck

YIR Award Date: 2006

State: Massachusetts

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Installation

Materials : Metal

Title: Trifecta of Oakdale (horseracing/bike racing/auto racing)

Artist: Matthew Dehaemers

YIR Award Date: 2006

State: Kansas

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Installation

Materials :

Title: Well-Lit Chess Pieces

Artist: Marjorie Kouns

YIR Award Date: 2006

State: New York

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Installation

Materials : Painting

Title: Wetlands Listening Post

Artist: Evan Levy

YIR Award Date: 2006

State: Georgia

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Sound

Materials : Metal, Wood

Title: Art Wall

Artist: Herbert Dreiseitl

YIR Award Date: 2006

State: Oregon

Site Type: Park, Fence

Artwork Type: Site integrated landscape architectural work, Fence

Materials : Painting, Glass, Found/Recycled Objects

Title: Emerald Laser Lawn

Artist: Dan Corson

YIR Award Date: 2007

State: Florida

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Installation

Materials : Mixed Media

Title: Luminous Conjunctions

Artist: Dan Corson

YIR Award Date: 2007

State: Florida

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Installation, Metalwork

Materials : LED, Metal

Title: Interstate Road Trip Specialist Field Kit, Public Programs and Billboard

Artist: Sara Daleiden

YIR Award Date: 2007

State: New York

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Performance

Materials : Mixed Media

Title: Russell Field Bus Shelter

Artist: Taylor Davis

YIR Award Date: 2007


Site Type: Park, Streetscape

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Glass, Panels, Wood

Title: Fremont Peak Park

Artist: Laura Haddad

YIR Award Date: 2008

State: Washington

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Landscape, Environmental Art

Materials : Metal, Concrete/Masonry

Title: Giant Mushroom Forest

Artist: Bill Davenport

YIR Award Date: 2010

State: Texas

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Sculpture

Materials : Concrete/Masonry, Metal, Painting

Title: Her Secret Is Patience

Artist: Janet Echelman

YIR Award Date: 2010

State: Arizona

Site Type: Park

Artwork Type: Fiber Art

Materials : Concrete/Masonry, Metal, Textile/Fiber Art

