Author(s): Connolly, Paul and Hinand Cady, Marcelle
Date of Publication: May 31, 2001

This handbook suggests strategies for improving an organizations ability for increasing arts and cultural participation in their community.

Author(s): Edwards, Bob; W. Foley, Michael; Diani, Mario, Editors
Date of Publication: Mar 31, 2001

Beyond Tocqueville presents 21 varied essays on how civic engagement and political and economic cooperation are generated in contemporary societies, linking theoretical discourse with public policy and actual behaviors.

Author(s): Voss, Zannie Giraud and Voss, Glenn B.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

Theatre Facts 2001 offers TCG's annual update on the fieldメs attendance, performance and fiscal health, based on the information provided by theatres that participate in TCG's annual fiscal survey.

Author(s): Connolly, Paul and Hinand Cady, Marcelle
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

This handbook grew out of the experience of the Audiences for Literature Network (ALN), an audience development initiative supported by the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund (now named the Wallace-Reader’s Digest Funds and referred to here as the Funds or the Wallace Funds). This program began in 1997 when eight community-based literary centers were chosen for one-year planning grants to develop projects through which they would form partnerships with other community organizations to build audiences for literature and literature programming.

Author(s): Kolb, Bonita M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This article explore motivation behind people's choice to become subscribers to orchestras season. This article was published in the International Journal of Arts Management, an essential reading for the arts management community.

Author(s): Megan C. McShane
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This paper provides a close reading of "Flow City," an ecological public art installation by Mierle Laderman Ukeles in the Fresh Kills landsfill site, New York City.

Author(s): McCarthy, Kevin F. and Jinnett, Kimberly
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This report presents the findings of a RAND study of the efforts by arts organizations in the to increase public participation in their programs. The purpose was to better understand an individual's process for becoming involved in the arts and to identify how arts institutions can most effectively influence this process.

Author(s): McCarthy, Kevin F. and Jinnett, Kimberly
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

Arts organizations have a variety of motivations for expanding their audiences. For many institutions, fostering arts appreciation and community involvement is central to their mission. Expanding their market and broadening the revenue base is a way institutions hope to counter rising costs and increased competition as well as to extend their artistic activities. Despite their commitment to increasing public involvement, however, arts organization may lack the resources or expertise needed to implement effective strategies and often struggle with "hit-or-miss" approaches.

Author(s): Tim Hall and Iain Robertson
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

This paper critically reviews claims that public art helps develop senses of identity and senses of place, contributes to civic identy, addresses community needs, etc., and provides theoretical critiques of public art's contributions to urban regeneration.

Author(s): Brugg Bawdenm, Allison
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2000

This issue paper focuses on three major ways people generally experience culture: through personal attendance, traditional media, and new media, as well as five barriers to participation: lack of adequate funding, disability, geographic remoteness, inadequate literacy, and some of the policies that shape access to the Internet and other media.
