Author(s): Arizona Commission on the Arts
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

A Resource guide for establishing and developing a local arts agency published by the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Author(s): The Massachusetts Cultural Council
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This report examines the investment of the state of Massachusetts in the arts and culture. According to the report, Massachusetts ranks 42nd in the nation in the average grant it awards to cultural organizations and community projects. 

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: 2018

Copy of the 2018 LAA Profile survey instrument intended as reference material.

Author(s): Gard, Robert E.
Date of Publication: 2016

To Change the Face and Heart of America, a collection of writings by Robert E. Gard, celebrates the 50th anniversary of one of Gard's seminal texts, The Arts In the Small Community. In this unique collection, Gard’s daughter, Maryo Gard Ewell, collects 50 years of Gard’s writings into a set of 10 beautiful, simple, profound meditations upon the value of the arts in communities. Gard’s words are as resonant now as when they were first written and exhort all Americans to “change the face and the heart of America” through the arts. Speaking across

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

A report on the first two years of progress following the 2016 adoption of the Americans for the Arts Statement on Cultural Equity by that organization, with accompanying data and analysis. Also includes recommendations for future work.

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

This report reviews results from the 2018 Local Arts Agency Profile Equitable Investment module, which was completed by 537 local arts agencies (LAAs) across the United States. It focuses on how, when, and where LAAs currently consider equity in the deployment of their funds, time, space, and staff.

Author(s): Lord, Clayton
Date of Publication: January 2019

In partnership with a field-based advisory group, Americans for the Arts proposes four goals that, if achieved, would support meaningful, measurable progress toward the fair and equitable distribution of all types of LAA investments, as well as specific strategies to achieve those goals. 

Author(s): Barr Foundation and Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: April 2019

As definitions of public art broaden to include social and civic practice, cultural agencies and funders are responding by supporting more place- and issue-specific work as well as cross-sector collaborations. The Scan offers snapshots of 28 programs supporting and building capacity for artists to work in the public realm and highlights overarching themes. Detailed summaries from interviews with seven selected programs provide additional insights.   The report is offered in the spirit of advancing field dialogue about supporting artists working in the public realm.

Author(s): Kahn, Graciela
Date of Publication: June, 2019

Half of USUAF members are government agencies (51 percent) and the other half are private nonprofit organizations (49 percent).
Half serve a single city or metropolitan area (53 percent), and the rest serve single counties (26 percent), multiple counties (16 percent) or multiple cities (5.6 percent).

Author(s): Los Angeles County Arts Commission
Date of Publication: 2015

Mandated by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to conduct a constructive city-wide conversation about ways to improve diversity in cultural organizations for the benefit of all LA County residents, this report reflects the learning, research and recommendations of that mandate. The process resulted in 13 actionable recommendations to improve cultural equity and inclusion in the arts. 
