Author(s): Shanahan, James L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

Review by Joseph Wesley Zeigler of the the book United Arts Fundraising in the 1990s: Serving the Community Arts System in an Era of Change [New York, NY: American Council for the Arts, 1993, 139 p.].

Author(s): McGlynn, Anita
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

59 organizations participated in the 1993 united arts funds survey. Collectively, these organizations raised $79.1 million for more than 1,000 arts and cultural groups. A comparison of the communities reporting in both 1992 and 1993 shows a slight increase of $454,000 from the $78.6 million raised in 1992.

Author(s): Lubbers, Frank
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

[The author] defines the art museum as an educational and academic institution, rather than a place for recreation and entertainment. He thinks that the primary mission of an art museum is to collect and preserve works of high quality and to present them to an interested and sufficiently educated public. [He] sees art, and especially 20th-century art, as something separated from the world of profit and loss. Sponsoring, as a kind of support for this art, contains a dangerous paradox. If a government feels responsible for culture, it must accept the consequences.

Author(s): Flanagan, Joan
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Successful Fundraising gives both volunteer leaders and professional fundraisers proven techniques for gaining access to available funds, raising more money more quickly, and building a stronger, more productive organization. Packed with real-life examples from the authors own fundraising experience, this handbook is complete with planning guidelines, sample worksheets, and timetables.

Author(s): Mills, Carlotta R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Foundation Grants to Individuals is the most comprehensive listing available of private U.S. foundations which provide financial assistance to individuals. The Eighth Edition contains 2,275 active private grantmaking U.S. foundations that The Foundation Center has identified as conducting ongoing grantmaking programs for individuals. It describes giving for a variety of purposes including scholarships, student loans, fellowships, foreign recipients, travel internships, residencies, arts and cultural projects, and general welfare.

Author(s): Miner, Lynn E. and Griffith, Jerry
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

This book differs from other books about grants because it focuses specifically on basic techniques of planning, writing, and submitting grant proposals to public and private agencies. Rather than taking a generic approach to grant writing, this book presents many specific tips used by successful grant getters.

Author(s): Colvin, Gregory L.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

This book is concerned with how to maximize the philanthropic community's ability to support important activities from arts to international aid, from environmental activism to individual health needs, and a host of other human services. In the last 10 years, public charities, community foundations and private foundations have become increasingly worried about the future of a funding practice widely (and unfortunately) known as fiscal agency.

Author(s): Hero, Peter deCourcy
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Cultural organizations in the face diminished government and foundation subsidy of annual operations. As a recent foundation center research study makes clear, the need to stabilize balance sheets has never been greater, yet arts managers have a hard time building capital and reducing accummulated deficits at the same time that they must raise annual operating funds.

Author(s): Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Paper presented at the conference Art Museums and the Price of Success; an International Comparison, held at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on December 10 and 11, 1992, and organized by the Boekman Foundation, Amsterdam.|... [the author] puts the case that museums and art galleries are facing a time of enormous change; they must increasingly earn their own living and at the same time demonstrate social relevance to justify those public funds that they do still receive. This leads among other things to a lack of consideration for the needs of audiences. In Britain, recent

Author(s): Theatre Development Fund
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Chairman's letter.
President's letter.
Board of directors and committee members.
Major contributors.
History of theatre development fund programs - 1968-1992.
TDF [Theatre Development Fund] programs:
     Theatre ticket purchase program.
     Dance ticket purchase program.
     Supplementary ticket distribution program.
     Group sales.
     Performing arts voucher.
     The TDF theatre centers.
