Date of Publication: Nov 11, 1998

November 1998 Forum that sought to stimulate dialogue about how to build a stronger, more financially secure future for the arts in America.

Author(s): Robert Bush
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Studies and experience show that individuals are willing to give to the arts. The key question: How do we reach them? Door-to-door solicitations tend to be inefficient, direct mail is costly and telemarketing often offends potential benefactors. With increasing success, United Arts Funds (UAFs), organizations and local arts agencies (LAAs) are turning to workplace giving campaigns to expand individual support for the arts.

Author(s): Zeigler, Joseph Wesley
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The analysis of arts funding sources here shows two pieces of research done by Zeigler: first about American arts institutions in the late 1980s, and then about institutions in the late 1990s.

In each section, for each organization, the spreadsheet shows the fiscal year of the figures, total raised, and the percentage of funding from each of four sources: Government, Corporations, Foundations and Individuals.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Foundations of the 1990s presents you with a unique way to increase your prospect list. It is designed for fundraisers who want to capitalize on the more than 8,500 independent, community and corporate foundations that have incorporated as grantmaking institutions in the U.S. in or after 1990. The emergence of these new foundations signifies substantial long-term growth in the field of foundation giving. Indeed, in 1995, the number of grantmaking foundations exceeded 40,000 for the first time, nearly doubling since 1980. Foundations of the 1990s collects these new,

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Each year the grantmakers featured in the National Guide to Funding in Substance Abuse award millions of dollars to non-profit organizations in your field. The new 2nd edition of the National Guide thoroughly prepares you for an informed grant search, providing all the facts you need to determine which of these funders are the most appropriate prospects for your organization.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 1998 Edition of Foundation Giving provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends in foundation grantmaking. The book also summarizes the broader history of the foundation world, documenting the growth and change of grantmaking from 1975 to the present. Over 100 easy-to-read tables and figures cover such topics as: foundation grants, assets and gifts received; the growth of foundation assets and grants and the number of foundations; subject focus of foundation grants, and geographic distribution of foundations and grants awarded.

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 3rd Edition of the Guide to Greater Washington, D.C. Grantmakers provides accurate facts on over 1,100 D.C. grantmakers - foundations, corporate giving programs, and public charities. Grantmaker portraits include invaluable grantseeking facts: application address, financial data, giving limitations, and names of key officials. For the large foundations - those that give at least $50,000 in grants per year - the volume provides even more data, including application procedures and giving interest statements. The volume also features over 1,100 descriptions of recently awarded

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

The 5th Edition of this volume provides essential facts on over 4,500 foundations, corporate direct giving programs, and public charities, each with a history of awarding grant dollars to higher education projects and institutions. Imagine the time you will save by having, in a single convenient source, a list of thousands of U.S. grantmakers that support higher education. The National Guide covers all the facts you need to bolster your target list of funding prospects:

Author(s): Foundation Center
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

With over 2,500 foundations, corporate direct giving programs, and public charities covered, this volume offers fundraisers in the field an excellent opportunity to increase their funding base. Imagine how many hours you will cut from your research time by having, in a single convenient volume, a list of grantmakers already comitted to your field. The grantmakers covered have supported community improvement projects, economic development, business promotion (including chambers of commerce), community funds and federated giving programs, community service clubs, housing development,

Author(s): Renz, Loren and Lawrence, Steven
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Arts Funding: An Update on Foundation Trends represents The Foundation Center's third examination of the role of foundations in supporting arts and culture. The Center's first study of national giving trends, Arts Funding: A Report on Foundation and Corporate Grantmaking Trends, mapped funding for the arts through the 1980's. Arts Funding Revisited: An Update on Foundation Trends in the 1990's, carried the analysis through 1992. This latest study updates the analysis of arts giving trends through 1996 and includes several enhancements to help deepen understanding
