Author(s): Howarth, Shirley Reiff
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

There are 1,294 collections described in the directory with 873 located in the U.S. and 421 outside the U.S. Of these collections, 825, or 62%, are ongoing and are still being added to, an indication that there is still a large amount of art collecting activity. The economic sectors where collecting has expanded include small firms, with a reduction in collecting by banks. Other trends are noted in the introduction.

Author(s): Murphy, C. Edward and Seabourne, Joan
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Volume Two of the Guide to U. S. Foundations, Their Trustees, Officers, and Donors is divided into two sections, the Index and the Foundation Locator.

Author(s): Gingold, Diane
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Author(s): Andrews, F. Emerson
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

This is a reprint of the original 1952 classic with a new introduction by Michael Useem. Included is a history of corporate foundations.

Author(s): New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Materials for the Arts (MFA) is a waste reduction/reuse program that puts unwanted materials from individual and business donors into the hands of nonprofit cultural organizations; social service, health, education, and community organizations with arts programming; and individual artists working on public projects. Materials range from manufacturing byproducts (e.g. paper scraps, sequin honeycomb and bolt ends of fabric and trim) to office equipment (eg. computers, copiers, and file cabinets) - anything that would otherwise be discarded or sold at a loss, but could be used to facilitate a

Author(s): The Council for Business and the Arts in Canada
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

Arts and culture received a smaller share of corporate donations in 1992. At $14.8 million, arts donations represent just 11.9% of total donations given; this is down from 13.4% reported the year before. There are different trends within the business community: amongst CBAC members - the most generous donors in the country - arts donations are maintaining their level, while other companies appear to be withdrawing their support for the arts in a very significant way.

Author(s): Kimpton, Jeffrey S
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

The author discusses the role of corporate philanthropy in the nineties in relationship to the arts.

Author(s): Riddle, April Sgro
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

The author discusses the role of corporate support of the arts and, in particular, discusses corporate support of dance programs. Of the three performing arts disciplines--dance, music, and theatre--dance is uniquely the most accessible to children and young people. This is especially true in multicultural communities in which language is sometimes a barrier to student participation in classroom activities.

Author(s): Polin, Jane L
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1992

The author discusses the role of corporate support of theatre programs. With continued investment in theatre education, schools and theatre companies, working together, can play a vital role in the development of future leaders--individuals who have the capacity and the desire to communicate effectively with all members of our society.

Author(s): Olson, Stan and Feczko, Margaret Mary
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

The Foundation Directory is one of the first tools grantseekers should use to identify foundations that might be interested in funding their project or organization. It provides basic descriptions and current fiscal data for the nation's largest foundations - those with assets of $1 million or more or annual giving of at least $100,000. The Supplement serves as a companion volume to the annual Directory, providing updated information on foundations that have reported substantial changes in personnel, name, address, program interests, limitations, application procedures, or other areas
