Author(s): Fitzhugh, Lynne
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Report looks at audience behavior in response to environmental changes and to marketing manipulations.

Author(s): Montias, John Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

The author analyzes data on the financing of the performing arts in Western Europe and the in both nonprofit and private organizations and concludes that total per capita government support is much greater in continental Western Europe than in Great Britain or the , even when the financial statistics include capital outlay and indirect government expenditures.

Author(s): Newman, Danny
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

The author examines all aspects of subscription sales techniques and methods. Originally published in 1977, the only change is a new, four-page preface for this 4th printing.

Author(s): Murray, Virginia
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

The intent of this thesis is to examine the entire process of corporate fund raising by three dance companies and the role of three dance support organizations which receive corporate funding. In the course of research, a questionnaire was designed to interview representatives of the dance companies and three dance support organizations in the metropolitan New York area.

Author(s): Schnaue, Fred
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This book covers all types of giving to all sectors. The following information is from the chapter on giving to arts, culture and humanities. Private giving to organizations, institutions and agencies in the arts and humanities increased last year to $4.96 billion, but the new record total was boosted by a single gift of $1.3 billion, and without that, giving to the cultural segment of the philanthropic community risen by just 6 percent.

Author(s): Yesselman, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This chapter is written from the perspective of the executive director of a modern dance company - an art form in which the creator, whose name the institution usually bears, traditionally takes dominance over all other facets of that institution's operations, particularly in marketing and advertising where the identification of name and institution is particularly sensitive. The lessons, if any, from what follows are, I believe, issues at the crux of the management of any artistic institution and hence of its marketing.

Author(s): Melillo, Joseph V.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This handbook for marketing the performing arts and consist primarily of the observations and experiences of practitioners. It demonstrates how standard marketing principles and theories can be adapted and applied to theatre, dance, opera, orchestra companies and to performing arts centers.

Author(s): Lefferts, Robert
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

This is a book to help you manage projects - those time-limited service and research activities that are supported by grants and organized as special units of a larger organization to achieve specific objectives. The major focus of the book is on how to manage projects in the broad fields of human services, health, mental health, the arts and humanities and the social and behavioral sciences.

Author(s): Hay, J. Thomas
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

For the first time, more than 500 specific money-raisers have been assembled from A to Z to help you select the best one for your group. This easy-to-use Guide is actually an encyclopedia of tried-and-true standbys plus hundreds of new money-raising events and projects for groups of all sizes. Projects that are effective money-raisers, whatever your group's purpose. These are projects that will raise the spirit of your workers, as well as cash. They range from amusements, auctions and awards to meals, sporting events and sales - even how to seek a grant or enlist the help of a business

Author(s): Jacobson, Frank
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Frank Jacobson, executive director, Arvada Center for the Arts, discusses performing arts centers.

Marketing management planning process.
Promotion process.
