Author(s): Cohen, Joshua L; and Johnson, J. Lauren, Editors
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

"This volume describes a burgeoning area of psychotherapy that employs the art of fi lmmaking and digital storytelling as a means of healing victims of trauma and abuse." [p.1]

Author(s): Oklahoma Arts Council
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

A evaluation catalogue that can assist individuals and organizations in providing programming for veterans and military members in their communities. It consists a University of Oklahoma program evaluation of the pilot arts program for residents at the Norman Veterans Center, offered through a collaboration of the Oklahoma Arts Council and Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs.

Author(s): Bolwerk, Anne; Mack-Andrick, Jessica; Lang, Frieder R.; Dörfler, Arnd; Maihöfner, Christian
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2014

"Our findings demonstrate that training in a visual art production group enhances functional connectivity of the DMN, particularly between the parietal and frontal cortices. No such effects were observed in a cognitive art evaluation intervention group."

Author(s): Hiroharu Kamioka; Kiichiro Tsutani; Minoru Yamada; Hyuntae Park; Hiroyasu Okuizumi; Koki Tsuruoka; Takuya Honda; Shinpei Okada; Sang-Jun Park; Jun Kitayuguch; Takafumi Abe; Shuichi Handa; Takuya Oshio; and Yoshiteru Mutoh
Date of Publication: May 01, 2014

"This comprehensive summary of SRs demonstrates that MT treatment improved the following: global and social functioning in schizophrenia and/or serious mental disorders, gait and related activities in Parkinson’s disease, depressive symptoms, and sleep quality. MT may have the potential for improving other diseases, but there is not enough evidence at present. Most importantly, a specific adverse effect or harmful phenomenon did not occur in any of the studies, and MT was well tolerated by almost all patients."

Author(s): Currier, Helen and Garbin, Peg
Date of Publication: Apr 01, 2014

This power point was created by the Arts and Healthcare Alliance. During the course of their 2014 annual international conference, they offered a pilot test for artists interested in becoming certified as an Artist in Healthcare. The Artist in Healthcare-Certified was a new certification examination for artists in healthcare that would lead to the credential, Artist in Healthcare-Certified (AIH-C).

Author(s): Arts Council England
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2014

The Arts Council of England reports that the arts contribute to community cohesion, teach us compassion and increase our levels of subjective well being, make children from low income homes 3 times more likely to earn a degree and create economic growth. The full evidentiary report can be found here.


Author(s): Arts Council England
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2014

This evidence review by the Arts Council of England makes the case for the arts and culture's values in economic, health, societal and educational well being. Findings are summarized in this infographic.

Author(s): Colin Macduffa, Fiona Karen Wooda, Charlie Hackettb, John McGheec, David Loudond, and Alastair Macdonaldd
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

While efforts to enhance healthcare workers' knowledge and behaviours in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) have been considerable, little is known about how staff visualize pathogens and their relationship to HAIs. This study, therefore, sought to explore how healthcare workers envisage pathogens in the context of HAIs.

Author(s): Felicity Anne Bakera and Raymond A. R. MacDonaldb
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

This study investigated the songwriting experiences of 13 students and 13 retirees who engaged in quasi-therapeutic songwriting experiences.

Author(s): Linda Honan Pellicoa, Kristopher Fennieb, Stephanie Tillmanc, Thomas C. Duffyd, Linda Friedlaendere, and Gillian Grahama
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

Observation and auditory skills are essential competencies for nursing practice. Research studies reveal that observational abilities are improved with visual training in an art museum and that the standing competence of auscultative skills is inadequate. This study details an innovative strategy to improve nursing students' observational and auscultative abilities.
